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Elana gilbert had arrived in New Orleans ready to try a change of scenery she found a job at a magic shop considering she knew a lot about the supernatural world since she herself was supernatural being a doppelganger and all, it was evening and she decided to stop for a drink and unwind she went into a bar and sat down a kind blonde bartender approached her, "hi there what can I get u she asked? "Bourbon please on the rocks Um leave the bottle she put 100$ on the counter, "well well what have we here said a masculine voice elana gilbert how pleasant to see you again Elana looked to her left coming face to face with elijah mikaelson shot she thought she was trying to avoid him too, "Elijah she greeted coldly turning back to her drink giving him the cold shoulder, "elana I'm sorry for all that happened, "which part kissing me,mistaking me for that slut Katherine,or leaving me on the cold concrete with a snapped neck or how about stranding me in the tunnels or maybe your sister ending my human life or your brother making me his blood bag and trying to drain me dry? "All of it he said I'm very sorry but I don't regret kissing u he said bravely,
She glared at him good bye Elijah she said with venom in her voice she stormed away and went out the bar doors he followed her and sped in front of her blocking her path she gasped, "God Elijah what the hell do u want from me? "A second chance he said with pleading eyes, "why should I give u one why should I trust u again give me one good reason? "When I kissed u I knew u were not katerina I kissed u because I wanted to your smart words about katerina were enlightening so much so that I dismissed her even after she attempted to seduce me before I left mystic falls, "of course she tried to seduce u she was desperate, "I know I should of let go of her ages ago,
"I'm working at the magic shop I take lunch at 12 pick me up then, "alright elana I shall see you tomorrow after noon" he took her hand and kissed it an involuntary shiver ran through her but he brushed it off, "bye elana he said in husky voice that made elana melt, "bye Elijah she walked away and went to her car and drove to her apartment she layed on her couch and passed out falling asleep,

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