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Elana walked back to work and opened back up she tapped her nails on the counter the bell rang signaling the arrival of a customer , "why the long face said a familiar feminine voice? "She looked up and there stood Caroline Forbes her best friend, "Caroline she squealed oh my God you're here your actually here she ran to Caroline trapping her in a bear hug happily, "hey were here to said a masculine voice she looked and saw Damon and Stefan Salvatore in the doorway Damon wore his signature smirk Stefan gave a warm smile, she ran and hugged Damon and then Stefan, "oh my God I can't believe your all here I'm so happy to see you all" "US too said Stefan how are things? "everything is good but buisness is a little slow but I get by,
"Would u like to get out of here and go out with us to the claron night club Caroline asked? "Hell yes I'd love to let's go to my apartment so we can get ready elana said smiling, "we will meet you there said Stefan" "alright we will see u there said elana, Caroline and elana drove to elanas apartment they made it and elana opened the door they went inside elana was greeted by a huge bouquet of pink roses Caroline glanced at it in awe elana huffed in anger grabbed the flowers and threw them in the trash and walked to her bedroom, "what was that about elana? "Nothing she huffed, "its not nothing elana talk to me who sent u those flowers,
"Elijah she answered, "as in the original? "Yep, "what did he do to piss u off so much? Elana told her everything in detail when she finished Caroline was making a sour face, "it sounds like he likes u but he's afraid to get close to u he thinks he will hurt u but I don't think he can stay away I mean he sent u roses I think it's his way of apologizing to u,
"Well apology not accepted she said bitterly Caroline dug through elanas closet till she found sexy but elegant outfits for both of them to wear, elana settled on a black and white strapless dress with a black belt and red pumps doing her hair in a cute up do and soft make up Caroline wore a powder blue strapless dress her hair was also up she wore light make up also they were finally ready for the evening they both left in elanas car to the club
Stefan and Damon stood in the parking lot waiting for them,

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