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It was slow at the magic shop elana was boared till she spotted Elijah coming towards the store he went inside she stood behind the register as he entered and approached her he leaned forward and opened his coat he pulled a pink rose out of his pocket and handed it to her, "for u he said handing it to her, "thank u she said,
"Shall we then , "sure elana said, she walked out from behind the register she had a sexy tight black dress on the sleeves had a cut that exposed her shoulders it went above her knees other was a cut on the sides exposing her ribs Elijah found it very sexy he'd never seen her look like that his eyes darkened in lust as they roamed over her body she shivered suddenly feeling naked under his gaze, "when I came here my intentions were completely honorable however after seeing u they have now become dishonorable, "well I wouldn't want to make u question your honor Elijah,
"Then perhaps u should of wore a different dress he said smirking he held out his arm shall we be going then? She put her arm in his and they left the shop, they got coffee instead of lunch they sat on a park talking, "Elijah u deal with too much what do u do to chill out? "Chill out? Well to chill out as u put it I fly, travel , I indulge in various hobbies from time to time I use logical thinking and dwell on facts some have said I have no heart, "why would they say that?
"Perhaps because they know me well,
Would your friend's or family say u are easy to get to know? "Only if I allow others to know me I'm a very private person elana I don't often tell much about myself it's a shrewd buisness having to always be the one to care for others from time to time it's also tenacious considering my job never ends, "so do u have some kind of knight in shining armor complex u live by? "Not particularly but my belief is a man who can take possession of his own mind May take possession of anything else to which he is justly entitled I'm very singular driven I like control of myself and those around me, "so u want to possess things? "I want to deserve to possess them, "u sound like the ultimate consumer, "I am he said, "elana sipped her coffee, "do u do the whole girlfriend thing? "Unfortunately I have never had one to speak of I've dated, had lovers, even some one night stands, "thank u for the coffee Elijah,
"You're welcome elana it was my pleasure he said smirking, "Elana felt as if she couldn't breathe and she had to get away she took a step back on to the concrete then lost her footing and stumbled back oblivious to the bicycle heading towards her, "Damn elana he muttered he gripped her hand and hurriedly pulled her towards him his hands circled her waist holding her soft body against his lean hard one she inhaled his scent it was masculine and intoxicating his eyes met hers he looked at her lips as if wanting to kiss her she wanted him to kiss her he pulled back, "I'm bad for u elana you shouldn't get involved with me, "and why the hell not elijah? "Because people who get close to me or people I love die or get hurt, "Thank u for saving me elijah I'll be going now she turned to leave, "elana" What she snaps in irritation, "I. .. I, good bye Elijah she says she walks away leaving him to wallow in his guilt he mentally slapped himself for his stupidity at letting her go,

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