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Elana took a fast shower dried her hair put on the black and red strapless lingerie it thinned her a little and made her breasts look huge she ran the Cutler through her hair and gave it soft waves she pinned part of it up with a bump she did a Smokey eye look put on her mascara then blush and her smudge proof red lipstick she sprayed her perfume on then put on her dress then her necklace and earnings then her red pumps then finally her mask and walked out of the bathroom Elijah wore a black and white tux with a bowtie he was the James bond of vampires he turned and saw Elana his jaw dropped at how beautiful she looked, "you look exquisite he said taking her gloved hand and kissing it,
"You look very handsome yourself Elijah, "thank u my darling shall we he said holding his arm out, "let's go she grabbed her wrap and they left for the party they made it and entered hand in hand they ran into Klaus and Caroline who were dancing Caroline wore a dark blue gown her hair was swept to the side she wore a black mask black pumps and jewelry Elena thought klaus would be here with her everyone could see the two were in love Elana thought it was kinda cute, Elijah led Elena to the dancefloor the two began to dance Elana matched his steps gracefully as if she were from another time the grace in which she moved captivated Elijah she was even better than katerina, "how did u learn to dance so well Elana? "I was miss mystic falls Elijah we had to learn all these dances for a whole year, "u have managed to amaze me yet again Elana Gilbert,
"I will take that as a compliment Mr Mikaelson, "indeed miss Gilbert, "that is quite the dance partner you have there Elijah, said a masculine voice Elijah turned and there stood Tristan he had his signature smirk it reminded Elana of Damon her mind screamed at her that he was dangerous but she kept her composure, "yes she is quite skilled isn't She elijah said? "Very Tristan said his eyes roamed her body lustfully my apologies my manners were lost I am Tristan and u are"
"Elana Gilbert she said holding out her hand to shake his instead he pulled off a glove and kissed her hand she felt very cautious around this stranger, "Elijah might I trouble your lady for a dance? "I suppose u may,
"Shall we then milady he put his hand out Elena hesitantly accepted it he led her to the dance floor, "the dance was a waltz Elana moved to the dance perfectly, "you dance quite well miss Gilbert may I ask where u acquired such skill? "I was miss mystic falls and it only took me a year to learn my skill I'm a quick study I was also trained by a hunter, "that's interesting is there anything u can't do miss Gilbert? "I believe I can do anything I set my mind to its all about a common goal, "what might your goal be, "to keep those I care for safe including the Mikaelson family at all costs even if I must allie with hunters again, "u know hunters? "I do she said smirking, "so miss Gilbert are u spoken for? "I am, "who is the lucky man in which gets the pleasure of your company, "Elijah aye he says bitterly twirling her, "yes Elijah she repeated, "why not consider the company of another like myself perhaps your a very beautiful woman miss Gilbert I could offer u so much more than Elijah I could cover u in gold and diamonds take u around the world all u need to do is say yes he said leaning way to close Elana grabbed a glass of champagne from a server and threw it in his face,
"How dare u u arrogant bastard how dare u insult the man I love and proceed to come on to me all these other people around her may be scared of u but I'm not u are poison u push others around to get your way but I assure u I am not someone to mess with and I don't fear death I've already died twice and I'm not afraid of torture I've been there also so nothing u say or do will here scare me stay away from the Mikaelson family or I'll kill u and everyone u love, "good bye Tristan, "tristan was at a loss she actually made him feel stupid and simi hurt her bravery had no bounds he was sure of it now he wanted her, "well that went well aye Tristan said Lucian smirking at Tristan, "do not start Lucian, "but it's too much fun I do believe lady Gilbert dismissed u turned u down and threatened u all in one and I find I rather enjoyed it however there's something I'd like to point out to u about her, "and what's that?  "She's strong enough to make do on her threat,
"How I'm older than her?
"Yes but she has a power she may not even be aware of it radiates around her I can sense it if I were u I'd apologize,
"Perhaps I was a tad too forward,
"Yep said Lucian,
"Elana walked away angrily to get away from Tristan and get to Elijah but someone grabbed her hand stopping her She turned and saw it was Elijah he looked slightly angry,
"I was just going to find u elijah,
"I should like to get some air please join me?" Okay let's go, he took her hand and led her out to the balcony he stood looking over the edge,
"I heard all of what tristan said to u Elana he said in a serious tone,
"You heard? "Yes I heard it all he said backing her against the wall he moved closer his hands rested on each side of her head,
"I was so angry hearing him try to flirt with u even jealous but what u did was insane u made Tristan look a fool and u actually intimidated him and I believe he now holds higher respect for u as do I seeing as how I'm the man u love, "so u heard that huh Elijah, "yes I did and it was the best moment of my life, she smiled at him, "I'm in love with u as well Elena Gilbert, she stood on her tiptoe and crashed her lips to his her kiss was loving and passionate she swept the hair out of his face and his eyes met hers, "I love u Elijah Mikaelson,
"I love u too Elana he said smiling,
"Good can we please get out of here I want you all to myself, "darling u red my mind he picked her up bridal style and sped them up to their bedroom he closed the door locking it.

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