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Meanwhile lucian and Tristan were still discussing Elena,
"I want her it's that simple I'd give anything to have her Tristan said, they had no idea rebekah was listening in on them or that she heard Elana and tristan argue,
"Well then perhaps u should woo her like a gentleman instead of a pompous ass said Lucian,
"Perhaps I can try befriending her Tristan said, "perhaps but I warn u if u hurt kill or lock away the Mikaelson family she will come to despise u or maybe kill u if the day comes and u must kill her would u that's the question isn't it Tristan,
"I don't want to kill her Lucian,
"Then perhaps u and the stricks should make a treaty with the Mikaelson family we can't kill them if we fight they always win if we protect them we survive they may even prove useful, "perhaps u are right Lucian,
"Shall we invite them to dinner,
"Splendid idea Lucian I will send invitations tomorrow afternoon,
"Well I'll leave u to it then bye Tristan,
"Good bye lucian"
Rebekah ran to find Klaus to tell him what she had discovered,
"She found him dancing with Caroline, "nik we need to talk all of us" "rebekah this better be good they all walked outside Caroline waited inside by the door, "ok rebekah what's going on? "Elana danced with Tristan earlier and he came on to her and she threw champagne in his face told him to piss off and told him if he harmed us she would kill him u should of seen it nik I think she scared him then I heard Lucian say Elena isn't an ordinary vampire that she has a power in her that she isn't aware of nik they are so scared they want an alliance with us we need to keep her safe and I think tristan is in love with her he tried to kiss her I saw it but regardless we need to do a cloaking spell Caroline should be cloaked too for her safety,
"Maybe freya can help Elana Klaus said, "Well can we get out of here then and go speak to her rebekah asked?
"Alright let us take our leave please fetch Caroline for me and we can be on our way I will meet u at the car,
"Klaus went to the car and waited for Caroline and rebekah they came and got in the car Caroline sat in front next to klaus,
"So rebekah filled me in about Elena so u want to help her? "Yes Caroline I want to help her, "for your benefit right, "no Caroline, "then why? "My brother loves her Caroline and believe it or not I don't expect to benefit Elena stood up for us and we need to protect her these people are very dangerous, "ok I get it so what's the plan, "Well I am going to see if freya my sister can help me cloak u and Elena, so we're going to see her,
"Alright if it will help I'm in"
"Klaus looked at Caroline and gave her a sweet smile, "what she said,
"Nothing love I just find You cute that's all, "She smiled, "God Will you two just kiss already rebekah said,
"Rebekah stop Caroline said blushing"
"Ok Ok let's just do this I'm exhausted and freyas at the crypt practicing said Rebekah, "alright said Klaus driving fast,

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