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Another OC!!!! I personally don't like her as much as Sparks and Nile but she's part of their group and she's cool! Btw, she's supposed to be floating but it got cut off.

Species: Half air spirit/ half human
Likes: Flying, hovering, anything air related, pink, silver, Sparks and Nile (as friends), people, tank tops, skirts, art, Ebony, poetry, hummus.
Dislikes: Meaness, anger, school because to blend in with the fully humans, she has to walk instead of hover (although she will sometimes hover a centimeter above the ground in a big crowd), being grounded, rocks, being called an airhead.
Personality: A bit of an airhead, loves anything and ever creative, often hangs with the other half humans. Very ditzy and forgetful.
Bio: Like Sparks, Aira was aware of her mother being an air spirit. Her dad had to tell her after she started flying around her backyard when she was four. But, when she met Sparks, Nile and Ebony, she was incredibly surprised. She'd never met any other spirits before, especially not any that were half human and her age!
It was even more surprising that she had actually seen this kids around town. Sparks, being alone dangerously close (not for her) to Bon fires. Nile, hanging my the ocean for hours. And Ebony, doing a lot of gardening.

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