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Looks like we've got another OC. Ebony! Just a Notice I going to start working on the backgrounds of my current OCs. So the chapters might change a bit.

Name: Ebony
Species: half Earth Spirit/ half human
Likes: earth, dirt, plants, geology, science, sports, rocks (he has a pet rock), Aira, Sparks and Nile (as Friends), green, brown, fossils, gardening, anything Earth related.
Dislikes: Air, flying, losing, wind, jerks, Sparks (they don't always get along). Math, reading.
Personality: Very hot and cold emotions wise. Very athletic and popular, but in general very kind. Annoying if he wants to be. Honestly not all that school smart. Afraid of flying.
Bio: Like Sparks and Aira, he had known of his father being an earth spirit since he could fully understand it. He's kind of gotten used to it. He's on the football,msoccer, basketball, and track teams. Ebony met Aira and Nile in Science class, where he was being an ignorant jerk to Aira about the formation of sedimentary rocks. New flash buddy: Aira don't care 'bout your stupid rocks! Both were getting increasingly angrier. Aira's hair was starting to float an Ebony's feet were starting to attract rocks. Suddenly, Ebony and Aira realized who they were sitting next to.
"You're an air spirit!"
"You're an Earth spirit!"
Thankfully, only Nile heard them. After class, he grabbed both of them, dragged them through the halls to Sparks locker, where she screamed, "I thought u was done with spirits!!!!"

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