Tag thingie

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Ok. So I was tagged by -briarbear- to do this "how I came up with my OC's thing".

So I came up with Sparks when I saw that a lot of artists had personas. I just started drawing. I basically drew myself and colored with solely Orange, reds and yellows. Originally I wanted to name her Ember, because I am a fan of Jeanne DuPrau's City of Ember series. Then I looked up Ember in the search bar and realized that there was already someone with a persona named Ember. So I thought and I thought, then I came up with Sparks, the other city in the series.

My other OC's, Nile Blue (water), Aira (air) and Ebony (earth) were all modeled after the other three elements because Sparks was fire and she needed some friends.

I tag:

I actually don't know if you guys have any OCs. So if you do, do this. If you don't... Do whatever you want.

I also tag whoever wants to do it!

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