I Am Crazy (Part 1)

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Just a warning, I'm rhyming in this one. Haha, it's not as easy as you think.

I. Am. Crazy.

It's true.

You can ask anyone I know. They'll agree.

People who don't like me will say that I'm crazy.

They'll say she doesn't know how to live.

She don't swear or drink or wear short-shorts.

And she's always happy.

I am crazy.

My friends will agree too.

They'll say I'm crazy.

She doesn't shut up most of the time.

Her energy could fuel the planet.

Her imagination is one of a child's.

She's as random as they come.

But at church,

My friends and the beyonders will all say,

She's as crazy as they come.

She has an amazing amount of bravery.

She is so committed and motivated.

She has many out-off-the-box ideas.

She thinks more than others.

And most of all, she's so amazing in her faith.

Even in her youth.

And my family, my church, knows me best.

I am crazy.

Poetry for my Lord <3Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz