82. I'm tryin' ....

808 71 16

I was tagged by Tainted_Terror to do this challenge... I'm didn't do details for this... Argh, my hands are so stiff and colder as any ice I've ever touced (if that's even possible) I'm suffering right now from this and I'm also in the middle of an art block... Just my luck. My windows are shut and eventhough it's suppose to be warm in here... It's not working for my hands... T^T I'm trying my best to finish other requests and stuff so Imma just apologize.

Q&A Time!!!

Q.1: Has Zora ever gone to school?

Zora: ...school...?

Me: Sad to say, Zora's has never gone to school nor self-study. But that was unecessary since she's got all the knowledge there should be and it's sad because I'm waaaaay dumber than her Q^Q...

Q.2: Does Zora read books?

Zora: *Brightens up* ...yes.

Me: *Grins* Hihee... She looooves books! Especially books with deep words and meanings ^^' Which I have a hard time understanding them!

Q.3: Does Zora draw well?

Me: *Speechless*

Zora: ....I paint.

Me: *Snaps to reality* HUH?! *Speaks alien language* HER ARTISTIC LEVEL ARE NOT JUST GOOD BUT BEYOND AMAZING!! *Pants before biting on my pillow* *Sobs*

That's it ya'll and hope to update again tmr... As always, ask anything about Zora if you want! I'll probably just lay on my bed and warm my god damn hands -_-

《Peace out》

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