86. Licia & Arella

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Woohoo! My so annoyingly loving little apprentice requested me to draw her(Licia) in her anime kind a form with an imaginary friend she always wanted xD Her partner's call Arella.

There was also a tag from MamaBearTheGreat I got about a week ago or somethin...

1. What's your favourite anime opening song?

You seriously asking me this? *^* ...There is like too much... Hm... Ah! It's V.I.P! The opening song of Magi season 1! Yep, it is still my top favourite and I still love the song a lot!

2. What's something other than the internet/ phone that you could never live without?

.... That would be my family... Eventhough I have great passion for art and never intend to leave it... My family comes first <:)

3. If you could draw angel wings would you want it white or black ones?


4. If you draw, what's the scariest about drawing?

The scariest thing eh? Hm... Everything can be the scariest actually -.-"

5. If people could have any hair color as their natural hair coor what would you want yours to be?

Crimson of course! Remember: There are different shades of red! I like crimson!

6. If you could travel back to any point in time, what time period would you want to visit?

I'd want to visit back at the time when my parents met each other... I'm not being a creep right here I swear *surrenders* But I was just kinda curious... It gets me everytime.

7.What's your biggest pet peeve?
(Something you're annoyed of)
I get very annoyed often when people try to judge me and also misunderstand about what I feel.

8. Do you have or have you had any pet?

I used to have a red-ear slider turtles as my pet! They're really adorable since they're smaller than the size of your palm! *Kawainess overload* But too bad they're al gone now... It was difficult for me to hold back my tears at that time..

9. What do you do in your spare time?

Youtube. Draw. Listen music. Youtube. Manga. Manga. Manga. Youtube. Please someone request an anime for me to watch... T^T

10. Who is/are your favourite anime character(s) and what do you like most about them?

Morgiana from Magi! I just love everything about her! A beautiful, loving cute character who never fails to make me all squealing xD The reason why I love her is not because of my addiction to red hair or beautiful people... It's all about the personality!! Morgiana is loyal, caring towards her love ones and very adorable at times with the way she conveys her emotions ^v^

11.Are you a morning bird or a night owl?

Night owl^^

12. Do you have any funny/silly quirks?

I have a slight habit of losing my balance while walking along the street. Everytime I walk, I would shift from side to side (like a zombie). And if a person I know is next to me, I'd lose my balance and eventually bump into them. I bet NetsrikAtnapaz understands that... xD

13. If you could instantly master anything, what would yoou choose to master?

In that case, it's going to be obviously my art skills. I would also like to master my mathematics but meh. Maths is like a maze. So I don't give a crap -_-

Anyone who wants to do this, go ahead. I won't stop you...

Peace out

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