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[Lol, I got them yesterday xD Don't be tricked by it! It's not a stuff toy animal (What I realized) Indeed... Pencil cases] Sorry if it's up-side- down... Damn wattpad.

Anyways.... HAPPY VALENTINE EVERYONE!! Damn, I never knew Valentine had arrived that quickly and school too :'( Which begins after two days from today... *Sigh* Who gives a crap about that? IT'S VALENTINES DAY EVERYONE! *Smirks* Did you decide who to give your chocolate to? If it's for a boy/girl (romantically) I'm rooting for ya!! Hihee^^

A special thanks to everyone here who have supported me through this long hella journey!! Don't worry!! I'll still be "arting" No matter what! Remember, you guys too, alrighty? Still continue to do what you like!

To NetsrikAtnapaz:
Happy Valentine, friend! Thank you for still supporting me since 7 grade up until now! Thanks a bunch! You remember to still be the "you" okie? Stay happy, friend. I hope you don't get stressed out! And also, keep up the writing!

To RainingStorms:
Everytime I keep thinking to myself.. "What happens if I didn't meet you?" I don't know.. It gets me everytime. It's hard to think about that... I'm glad you came up to me and ask me read your Red series( which I took interest on) And also drawing your amazing characters!!! Become a successful author!! Argh.. Considering you were up early to do this... Yeah *Sigh* You beat me. Don't forget, teach me about life, sensei ;)

To Tainted_Terror:

Hihee :D Heyo lil' sis! For a kid like you to have such an amazing drawing skillz... That's my imotou! I'm sure you can't be as good as the almighty me! *Lifts chin up* I, THE GREAT JACE, WILL BECOME A SUCCESSFUL ARTIST! NYEHEHEHE! *Derp* Just kiddin'! I'm sure you're improvements will go to the extreme to the point where you're better than anyone else!! Mwuahaha-- Woops. I mean, keep improving girl! I'm here with ya!

To TCbooker:

BESTIE!!! My first friend in wattpad ever! I'm soooo happy that I met you! I'm really glad that you're still with me, until now! My first supporter!! Thank you so much!! You are my most amazing friend I ever had in wattpad!! Hipe we can keep it this way til' we have to part (The heq?) But still, thanks again!

And also, to all those amazing people who still with me!!! japanisweird, HikariOnee-chan, eternally-cliche, Avengersareawsome and  MamaBearTheGreat!! HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO YOU GUYS!!!! And also to those wonderful new readers to my book... THANK YOU FOR THOSE WONDERFUL VOTES AND COMMENT!!! Hope you'll still be with me ;)

Anyways, have a great day ya'll!!!


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