The three badass....?

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This is requested by RainingStorms (My mom), Tainted_Terror (My lil' imotou) and TCbooker (My bestie) to draw them in their badass form.... Maybe two onlly xD Penn( The middle one) is just too innocent for this.. I guess? *Nervous laughter*

 I guess? *Nervous laughter*

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

So- Yeah... Drew them all together and somehow, I like how Stormy turned out( The one with stripped hoodie)! I don't even know why xD Oh, many of you guys also did want to join my "Badass squad" but I didn't drew them out since I didn't get the details of how you's want to look like... But I'm still glad you guys were interested to join me- I mean us! That's cool^^

One more thing, I heard it was eternally-cliche birthday (Don't ask how.. Through your artbook I guess?) So.... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Espically to eternally-cliche xD Yeah! You can request anything you want for me draw and stuff :D As a gift?

I have no more words to say -_-''' Have a good day peepz!!

Peace out~

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