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2 chapters in a day, woah. Quite an achievement, but anything for my two readers. :-)

The perfect journey is you eat during the first two hours, then you take a nap until you arrive to your destination. So I perfectly complete the first task which is to eat, but since all passengers are loud as eff, I cannot care less and just get along with their voices. Some of them sing and some play games. Whatever we do, it is hectic in here. And I like this type of condition. That we don't have to care about anything. Just carry on with our lives and have fun.

The moment we sing along to 'Hey Everybody' by 5sos, Mr. Clifford calls us to line up in fromt of our base camp.

"Fellas, I want to introduce you to our instructor who will be with us during our days in here. This is Mr. Calum. He will be ordering you, he will be your chief and you must call him sir. But remember, always talk with your eyes on him. Never look anywhere but his eyes when you talk to him. Am I understood?" "Yes, sir." We reply.

"Thank you, Mr. Clifford. Okay guys, you people are still 18 and I know you want to have some fun here. But please, always listen to what we tell you. You'll never know what will happen to you. So in order to keep everyone safe, you all must take precautions as we will tell you later." The moment he says that, we could sense the horror of this place. "Fellas, why with the scaredy-cat face? I am not saying you will be eaten by a boar. I am just reminding you to take care of yourself because when you are young, wild and free like this, sometimes you might get out of control right? Yeah man, I've been there. But let's loosen up a little okay?" "Yes, sir!" "Okay now, pit your stuff in those rooms with tags. We've put a list on the door and you may check your name now. Thank you, and you may dismiss."

With that, we quicken our pace to find our names on the door. I am glad I am in the same room as Roth but, I know it will be a long week, or might not even feel like a week. Maybe a year? Idk, guess who's my roommate is?

"Well, well, look who's here?!" Sara says with her overly annoying bitchy voice. Oh lord, out of all people? Why Sara? Huh, she will surely be the death of me.

I am beyond speechless. Seeing her in front of me like this......it is just different. I can literally feel the awkward air around us. I inhale deeply, then exhale. "Long time no see, Sara. How are you doing?" I say and forged a smile. "Ha, I am doing very fine. Just snogging with Ryan at the back though." she says those words like a venom to me. I just roll my eyes and say, "Well, how does my vagina taste then? Ha-ha-ha!" "Eff you and your friends." with that, she leaves the room and slams the door behind us. I couldn't care less with what she wants to do.

Roth was just practically standing there the whole time. Ha-ha, poor innocent Roth. She always doesn't know to argue because I swear she is a pure-hearted girl. She can't even be mad at me, let alone anyone else. Her big round eyes, her full long lips, a slightly pug nose, her round face and her japanese-look hair, just enough to describe her attitude as well. She never had any hard feelings to anyone. Even Sara. Even if Sara did the bitchiest thing to her, she just let it slide.

"Hey, are you a statue? Come let's walk around here. We might find ourselves some 'fishes'. Ha!" Roth says. Innocent? I think not.

"In case you are wondering, the instructor's assistant is effing hot. Its not a butterfly in my stomach, it's a freaking dragon."

"Roth, will you stop talking about hot guys? They are nothing but bullshit." I say sternly. "But if you are talking about that guy, hold me now. Damn son, I am going to fall." I see a very nice-built-pretty figure in front of us. We hide behind the bushes to not be seen. his face is undescribable. He has muscles from god-knows-what-he-does. A sharp nose bridge, full irresistable nude-colored lip, an almond-shaped blue eyes, and his hair is a perfect brunette quiff haircut. Woah, I just want to ask him right now. Did it hurt when he fell from heaven?

Back to the reality from fantasizing him, Roth calls me and says, "Emm, i think he saw us. Let's go, move in!" Why does she sound like we are soldiers? Ergh, I just play along and run away from him.

Not fast enough, we hear him shout, "hey, who are you guys? C'mere." what a sexy british-accent voice. He is definitely something. We look at our shoes and head towards him.

From my experiences, Roth can never talked in front of a hot guy, nor she ever dated. She is just merely a shy girl. Considering that, I bravely answer to him, and man, it's hard to not stutter. "We..we..are just catching butterflies here, right Roth? Ha! Butterflies. It's for our asignment." omg that was close. He replies, "really? Without any equipment? That's bizzare. though, goodluck for that. Anyway, I am Dave. Dave Martial." He reaches out his hand to shake with us, but I was too amazed of his beauty. So Roth nudges me and says, "Emma, introduxe yourself." She makes a big eyes to indicate she's mad at me, so I quickly say," ow, my bad. I am Emma, Hills. This beautiful girl here is Roth. Roth Sperman." She smacks my arm and says, " ha-ha-ha, so funny. Okay bye-bye Dave! See you again!" She says excitedly and pulls my hand from him.

"Hey, I was enjoying the smoothness of his hands. Nobody needs to ruin it, ya know?" I say. I pout my mouth in attempt to be sulked.

"Emm, it's nothing but, can you not be more obvious? You are mentally kissing him, right? The way you look at him is beyong disgusting and creepy. I wouldn't want to even talk to you if I were him. Ha!" Roth says. Ha-ha-ha, that makes sense though. But how can I just let those little things slip out of my mind? Maybe next time. Maybe I will meet him again, and probably he will notice me and like me. Woah, is that too much? Calm your ass down, dudette. He doesn't even recognise you.

You're just an ugly fat meanie. You deserve nothing but only a friend.

I am full with thoughts that Roth has to smack my head real hard, "hey, why are you deaf? C'mon, it's gametime!" She says excitedly. I was too, but I don't feel like it right now. I am still in the mood for Dave. Oh lord, what had dave done to me?


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