The Haunting

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Hi, I'm Lea. I am 16 years old. My family and I just moved into this creepy, old house and I thought it would be kind of cool if I documented anything out of the ordinary, you know, like a ghost hunter. Well, today is the first day so I guess I will start this as day one and move on from there.

Day 1,

We started moving in today. While my mom was unpacking, I decided to explore the house a little bit. I grabbed my journal and pen and started to walk around. Soon I found the attic. I pulled down the stairs and carefully climbed up. There were a bunch of dusty, old boxes and busted up furniture. When I looked over my shoulder I saw a small shrine of candles and dolls. I decided to have a look being the snoop I am. I set my journal and pen down, slowly walking over to the dolls. I picked one up. She was beautiful. She had long, chocolate waves and hypnotizingly green eyes. She had on the prettiest and silkiest white dress with cute red heels. While I sat, gawking at the doll, I heard a crash behind me. I grabbed the doll and walked over to the boxes that had toppled over. My journal lied open on the ground, my pen nowhere in sight. I picked up the journal and was shocked at what I saw. Scribbled in red pen across the pages read, 'GET OUT! GET OUT! WE ARE YOUR WORST NIGHTMARE!' I ran down the stairs and straight into my room, locking the door. I ripped the pages out of my journal and threw the doll in the back of my closet. I shut my lights off and hid under my blankets. Oh boy, I cannot wait until tomorrow.

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