Chapter Four - The Mission

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It was close to midnight; from the base; you can hear the crickets chirping, the bullfrogs, and the train that always comes around 11:58 to 12:00 Midnight. Somehow though, I can't go to sleep; Jax was snoring like a log, which kept me awake from almost half a hour now. "God man, you snore like a giant." I decided to walk outside of my tent, and walk around the base. "War? Why are you here?" Alpha ask me. "Mr. Sandman over there is off to dreamland, while I can't sleep at ALL!" I started to get angry. "Chill War, besides I was about to come and get you." I gave Alpha a puzzled look. "Why?"

"General Kirk wants to have a word with you, but the odd part is. He only wants to talk to you, and not the other recruits. So, should we start walking?" I nodded. "Why yes, it's nice for a young gentlemen like you to give confort to a young lady like me." I said sarcastically. "Shut up." Outside was truly beautiful like a painting. "Wow, tonight is quite beautiful isn't it?" I nodded. "Yeah." I stared at his icy/greenish eyes, and his golden brown hair. "Is something wrong?" He asks. "NO! Just shut up, and take to the freaking General." He laughs, and pointed to the building. "It's that way, turn to the right as you go in, and turn left." "Wow, thanks for the instructions." I said.

"Shut it." He said back. Alpha and I are the only ones that's great at snipping. We first met when we were in Russia killing the Nazis; now, he's a great friend and a great shooting partner. But, back to the real story here. As I got in, I can hear the General's voice getting louder and louder. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEIR LEADER WANTED TO MEET UP WITH THE PRESIDENT!" "I'm sorry sir, but the president did had call, and he choose to go there." I can hear Nick. "HE'S GOING TO GET HIS ___" I walk in. "Well isn't it War, WELCOME; go grab a seat over there. I got a really special mission for you; I want you to go with the president to Berlin. I want you to protect the president at no matter costs. GOT THAT!" I got up from my seat. "SIR, YES SIR!" Then, General Kirk got up, "You will be leaving first thing in the mourning, dismiss!" I walk out of the room, and walk back outside.

"So what did he tell you?" Alpha asks. "The president had a important call, and he need a bodyguard, so that's when I came in. I'll be leaving first thing in the morning." I explain. "Wow, that's a important job, War!" I nodded. "Yeah, yeah!" We stop at my tent, and the last thing before I go to bed was to say a goodbye to him. "Well Goodnight!" Alpha said as he was waving. "Yeah, goodnight!" I crawled, like a caterpillar, to my sleeping bag, and lay there. "Starting tomorrow I have to protect the president, this has to be a very important job for me." I thought, and soon I was off to slumber.

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