Chapter Thirty-Nine - The Survivor

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“What the?” Slash said, jumping awake when the scream woke her up. It didn’t sound dead, however. Everyone was getting up and running downstairs, so she got up, unhappily, and followed. Alpha and Jackal removed the bookcase and opened the door to see a man shooting zombies off in the distance. “Hurry!” War said, dashing out the door. “Help, help!” The man yelled when he saw the group running towards him. “I’ve run out of ammo!” A zombie tried to bite his neck, but Slash shot it off just in time. Everyone began to shoot at the zombies, but there were a lot of them because it was night, and they were near the woods, so zombies were running out like crazy. A moment came when they had shot them all and waved to the stranger.

“Come with us, hurry!” In the dark, they saw him begin to run, so they took off first towards the house, clearing the way. They all made it back safe. “Thanks.” “No problem. Who are you?” Dez asked. “Wait a minute…” War started. “Mr. Vice President, is that you?” “War? I thought you were all dead! How did you manage to survive, and where’s your other friends?” “Markus and Jax are dead. We survive this long thanks to our other friends. What’re you doing here?” “The military had a secret base here, after the president was killed and after you left, they said it would be safer if I stayed there.” He laughed. “Yeah, this is way safer, huh?” “Is it overrun?” Slash asked. “I don’t know, I was being escorted when those…things started to attack us! I was the only one left alive from the group. I know where it is, but I’m not going back out there!”

“Don’t worry, we have a truck that could drive us all there.” Alpha said. “That would be amazing. Thank you.” Jackal went to go look for the keys while everyone got ready to go. “Why are they here?” The vice president asked. “They were experiments gone wrong by a scientist. We almost killed him, but he got away.” Nick said. “Here I am thinking that the war was the worst thing going on.” “Got the keys, let’s go.” Everyone began to pile into the truck, Slash’s group jumping in the back. “We’ll shoot anything that comes our way.” It was easier said than done. Apparently, the base was on the other side of the island, a short trip if they took some risks by going through some of the less dense parts of the forest.

They had to run over a few zombies, their guts exploding out of their heads when they did, and having to run the windshield wipers to keep the blood from blocking their view. It was a long trip, but they made it. The base was not too big, but not too small. There were lights on, probably so that whoever saw them could run to help. When they drove up, the gate opened automatically and allowed them to drive down a hallway to where they parked cars.

It was dark, and it didn’t seem like there were any soldiers around. “Their downstairs,” The vice president said. “Where it’s safer.” They parked the car just then, when they all heard a noise. It was a scatter of what seemed to be words going too fast and too quiet to be made out. “What was that?” “I don’t know.” They heard what sounded like a snake slithering across the floor, and the noise get louder. “….I’m gunna get you!” Was the only coherent thing it said. They held their guns up and prepared for anything. “Boo!” It said, and a worm like creature with only a head popped out of the dark, and tried to grab onto someone, but it missed. It was a bloody red, with no eyes and missing a few teeth, it was moving on its spinal cord that was stretched out everywhere a few notches. “Oh my god!” Everyone said. It tried to lunge at Jackal, but he ducked and it hit the wall, latching onto it.

“Run towards the elevator!” The vice president said, taking a start. Everyone began to run with the thing following them. “What is it?” War shouted. “The soldiers call it a blood sucker, it’s supposed to take our your body and use it as its own!” They turned a corner and saw the elevator just a few feet away, when the thing jumped in front of them. When it tried to lunge again, Slash stepped on the end of its ‘tail’ and held it back. She grabbed its neck and shot it in the head. “Wow.” Dez said. “Like killing a snake.”

Everyone hurried into the elevator then. The vice president pushed a button and everyone took the chance to relax. Slash nudge War. “Is it a good idea for us to be going to a base full of soldiers and the vice president?” She whispered. “Because call me crazy, but I don’t think they’ll like us.”

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