Chapter Twenty-Seven - The Noise Coming From The Basement

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The room was quiet after that. Slash and her crew left the room and headed to the main room, the one downstairs. “He changed pretty quick,” Switch said. “Just a matter of a few minutes.” “They’re really beat up about it.” Jackal snorted at Dez’s remark. “You see the kids eyes widen when the chick sent him with us? He was petrified!” Slash smiled. “Yeah, I thought he was about to have an heart attack.” She laughed. “Now now now,” Dez started, “They just lost someone, lets show some sympathy.” “Fine, fine.” They all bowed their head for a moment, they continued to explore the house. Dez went back to the computer room, while Jackal went to see what was in the kitchen. “He changed pretty quickly,” Switch began. “Maybe all the zombies weren’t here as long as we originally thought.” “Or maybe he got bit a while before, and just didn’t tell anyone.” Slash said. Switch nodded.

“Ah well, nothing much we can do now.” “Guys, come here!” Dez said from the top of the stairs, “It’s important!” Both of them made their way upstairs, after getting Jackal, and entered the room. “Look at this,” Dez said, motioning at the screen. “It says the guy that lived here’s name is Kendal, Kendal Richards. He was a scientist who worked here on a new vaccine. Says here in this journal thing that the vaccine had ‘terrible side effects,’ and was still being tested.” “So it was this guy’s fault?” Jackal asked. “No, said he worked with others, but he deleted some of the entrees. From what I can gather though, he was sent here by the American army, and when the island lost signal they sent a group of soldiers to come and investigate.” “Of course, Americans always mess up.

” Slash laughed. “Does it show anyway out of here?” “This is the only thing I get access to."  They decided to wait for Wars crew to come out to show them this, but when they didn’t, they decided they need to ge someone to get them out. Everyone looked at Dez. “What?” “Go on sport, it’ll be fine.” He sighed, “I hate you all.” He climbed up the stairs again, and took his sweet time going to the door. He slowly opened it and saw that no one was moving or saying anything. Nick looked up when the door opened. “What?” “I think I found one of the people who caused all of this.” Everyone looked at him. “Who?” War asked. “Guy called Kendal. He worked on a vaccine gone bad. Were you guy’s sent here for the military?” “Yes.” Alpha said. “Then you guys were the unlucky ones who were sent to see why the island lost communications.” “Then why are you here?”

“Bad luck.” He replied. War got up, “I want to see where you found this out.” Dez nodded, and escorted her to the computer room. Switch went down into the first floor hallways to see what was in their rooms, to only find a large locked door. It looked like it led to a basement. He tried to bash open the door, but to no avail. ‘I’ll get Slash, she can pick the lock.’ Right as he was turning around, however, a large roar came from the basement, making him jump. “Jesus!” He said under his breath, turning back to the door. He went to the others, who had all heard the yell, and said “Hey guys. Basement door? Yeah, leave it locked.” “What’s down there?” “I don’t want to find out.” Slash picked up her gun. “Five-hundred bonus points to whoever kills it.” She said with an evil grin.

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