Chapter Six - The Flight

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As I got on Air Force One, everyone waved at me and saying goodbye. "Good luck war!" I waved back, but the look on the general's face was serious. General Kirk started to mouth out words, "Don't let him die." I nodded, and went inside. Inside of the jet was much better than any other airplane. Larger bathroom, good food, and a great entertainment. Though, I choose to sit next to the windows. "So I'm guessing that you're my bodyguard." Said the president. "Yes, Mr. President." He nodded and look at the files that were on the desk. "Not to be curious sir, but who called you?" I started to be curious.

"Germany's leader." "Hilter?" I ask. "Yes, he wanted me to talk to him about settling the war." I gave him a puzzled look. "I got a bad feeling about this..." I thought. "So, tell me about yourself, miss?" "You can just call me War sir, War is my military nickname. I was born in Nome, Alaska; my parents are, well... my mother is a Russian sniper, and my father served in WWI as a British pilot, but he passed away. I'm one of the top snipers of K-9, and the U.S. Army.  I joined the U.S. Army when I was only nineteen, but everyone told me that women can't join. I prove them wrong." The President just stood there with his eyes wide open. "Wow, I never met a young woman that's in the Army before."

I smiled, "Well sir, I'm the first." "Well, take a seat. It's going to be a long trip to Berlin." I did as I was told, and stared outside. I remember what happened to my father...he taught me how to shoot a sniper riffle, he once told me this, "Everyone has a gift", and I'm one of them. I have a gift of shooting; I got the most important job ever, but thanks to my father. I succeed that goal. "Father..." My voice started to get shaky. I pulled out a pocket watch to see what time was it, and to look at the picture of my mother, father, and my little brother.

"Father did teach us a lot of things in life." I thought. "Do you want anything to eat?" asked one of the chefs. "No thank you." He nodded, and left. "Well it's going to be long trip, might as well go to sleep." I said to myself. I lay back on the seat, and slowly closed my eyes. Moments later, I was off to slumber. Soon, I started to have a flashback of my past, of... My father and I.

"Father? How do I hold this?" As I said while holding the riffle. " Just hold the riffle to your shoulders like this, and pull the triger. As he did, the bullet went through the glass bottle like a lighting bolt. "Cool Father." Father laughs always cheers me up. "Oh thank you father, thank you for letting me use the riffle!" I started to smile. "Just remember this Aura, everyone has a gift, and you are one of them." I ran up to father and hugged him. "Oh thank you father, your the best!"

"War...War! Wake up!" I woke up. "We're here." said the president. I quickly got up, and walked to the president. Tied up my combat boots, my mother's old Russian Red Army uniform, and  grabbed  two pistols in both of my hands, a sniper rifle on my left shoulder, and a shotgun on my right. "Are you sure about this Mr. President?" I asked  him. "If it's for my country then yes." The doors to the plane open, and as we walk out. I got a feeling that someone is watching us.

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