[L] Chapter 37: HIStory

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The eldest of the heir, I used to live in pressure when I was younger. My Grandfather used to tell me that I should be wise as Athena, strong as Hercules and charming as Apollo. Spoiler alert, I turned out to be the spirit of madness, Lyssa.

I remember when I was a child, I snatched one of our guard's handgun and shot a stray dog wandering in our yard. Grandfather was upset as according to him, the dog did not do anything for him to be killed, but I defended myself by stating that the dog trespassed in our property and it was really really smelly and dirty, and it looked really really weak and old, it seemed like it was going to die anyway. Actually I once saw Lolo shot a man—a living thing, so I kind of imitated his act.

There was also that time when I pushed my playmate from the 10 ft slide, he hit his face on the groud so hard, so hard in fact that he broke his nose. Grandfather was upset as according to him, it is not right to push somebody without any reason but I had a reason, he was blocking my way and he wasn't listening to my warnings so I pushed him. I replied to Lolo that I saw him pushing his own son, my father whom I share the same name, when he was scolding him and he wasn't listening, so I just copied him.

Even when I was young, I already knew a lot of things that a normal child aren't supposed to know. Thanks to Lolo and his underground work, I knew how to use a gun and how to gracefully wield a knife. As a child, I killed a lot of animals and hurt a lot of people. They told me that I was too much to handle, all my nannies resigned because of my brutality. They tend to ask why I do such things and I just shrug as a response, like seriously, I just like doing those things, what's their deal? This is my life, not theirs.

Thankfully, I was the only son that time, the only male, the only heir, so no matter how hard they wish to expell me, they couldn't, their future depends on me for I was destined to be their King and their Boss at the same time after Grandpa's reign. They gave me all I wanted, nurtured me, pampered me and obeyed me. My Grandfather trained me, taught me, and despite of my brutality, encouraged me to be better.

But all of those changed when the bastard came along, Giovanni, that hell of a bastard.

Grandfather was thrilled to see him, in a click, the bastard became everyone's favourite, his smile brought happiness to the mansion, and by that, he snatched all, all the things that were supposed to be mine. My father never said no to him, he was so kind to him, he gave all that he asked for. And then there's Grandfather whose attention was automatically switched to that little son of a b, years later he began training him and the little bastard eventually replaced me.

At first, it didn't really bother me, I didn't really care as I my actions weren't limited just like it used to be but I eventually grew tired of being ignored, so I tried plotting a lot of entre guimet, evil schemes to the bastard...

I framed him for the missing jewelry of my Mother but he's smart, he managed to defend himself with a concrete evidence making them adore him more.

There was also a time when I tried drowning him in the pool, no one was watching and there were only the two of us and so I pushed him in the deepest part of the pool and straggled him but he's strong, he managed to get out of my grasp by hitting his own head to mine that made me release him.

And then high school came, he finally had a girlfriend and he was genuinely happy, and since he was happy, I tried to erase it. I seduced his girl and as I thought I was getting her, she resisted and told me how much she loves him and knowing how popular, adored by everyone that bastard was, she wouldn't do anything that could lose him.

And so my life became more miserable than ever, everyday I went to school but I was actually hoping I was somewhere else.

It was so boring, until she came along, Georgina, a clubmate of mine. She's the only girl who dared to lecture me, the only girl who slapped me in the face as according to her, planning something sinister to my own sibling is beyond unforgivable. At first, she displayed her hatred and annoyance towards me but one day I just woke up with her saying that her hatred was converted into admiration. I asked her why and then she said that it was beyond her own comprehension, she didn't know why but she started to feel something towards me. I shrugged it off at first but when she told me she loves me, I accepted it. Well I expected that coming, if it wasn't obvious enough, I don't know why she loved me at the first place but as the time pass by, I began feeling the same towards her. Funny, I didn't even know that I can love someone.

As our relationship tighten, Austin, another club mate of mine, expressed his feelings to my girl. Georgina, too afraid to turn him down, did not respond. The lad did not give up on her. He even dared to kiss my girl behind my back even having the knowledge of our established relationship, he still kissed her. Of course I was enraged, I wanted to butcher him to death but I realised that death was not the worst thing that could happen to him, suffering is way more worse than death itself.

One day, I was talking to myself inside the empty laboratory of our school's old building, plotting a scheme on how can I make Austin's life miserable. But as I was roaming my eyes to my surroundings, I noticed a girl leaning her ear near the door possibly eavesdropping on me. When I saw her face and realised who she was, a lightbulb immediately popped up somewhere above my head.

I confronted her, her name is Savannah, the younger sister of Austin, I wanted to use her against her older brother, I wanted her to be my minion, my puppet, my marionette doll. And since she already knew what I wanted to do with her brother, I did not let her out of my grasps. Savannah was so easy to bribe, she was so gullible, too naive so it was easy for me to poison her thoughts by my mere words. The only problem was her boyfriend who was always by her side, I couldn't move properly whenever he was around and it was hard to get rid of him as well, maybe because he is my Georgina's little brother, Zachary Tanteo.

Savannah tried to resist, she wanted her liberty as I was still holding the leash tied around her neck. She wanted me to stop antagonising her brother whom I just recently beat that day. We were in the laboratory that time and I was playing with the scientific stove. As the instrument emitted the heat, another lightbulb appeared. I blackmailed the little girl, telling her that I'd set up the old building on fire and will pass the blame to her brother. She immediately slammed me with her logical reasonings, saying I could never point the blame to someone else especially when the evidences are all pointing at me. But then I began to realise another scheme, why would I get my own hands dirty if she could do it on my behalf? She was easy to bribe anyways. So I thought that there's a chance that Austin will more than be willing to take the blame.

I bluntly told her to burn the building for me and then I'll spare her and her brother for their own tranquility. As expected she declined but I told her that "I will burn the building myself and will use my family's connections in order to point Austin as the suspect." Savannah did not respond but I could tell by her expression that she was deeply thinking about it. She was overthinking, overthinking too much that when I was watching her from a distance together with her boyfriend in one of the labs of the very said old building, she was actually playing with fire.

"Oh dear Savannah, that's why you're important to me, you'll make a very good doll."

Once I threaten or just simply tell her anything with a shock value, she'll overthink and will unknowingly do my bidding.

"So she can't die, not yet at least."

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