James Raymundo

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(A younger James)

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(A younger James)

Personal Description
Full Name: James Raymundo
Birthday: Unknown
Age: 43
Gender: Male
Height: 190 cm
Hair Colour: Light Brown
Eye Colour: Light Brown

Status: Alive
Family: Cara Raymundo (Wife)
Bailey Raymundo (Son; deceased)
Cairo Raymundo (Son)
Calgary Raymundo (Son)
Calais Raymundo (Son)
Ceylon Raymundo (Son; deceased)
Iona Raymundo (Daughter)
Birthplace: Unknown
Occupation: Bodyguard/Butler/Guardian
Affiliation(s): Merano University, 1937, K&S Organisation

James is a tall man, he has short brown hair matched with his light brown eyes. He was always seen wearing a red tuxedo with black pants as his uniform as member of K&S Organisation. When he was still a student, he used to wear a hoodie all the time.

James is a caring yet cold man. Despite his serious and cold attitude, he is a good father to his children and loves and takes care of them equally. Although he and his wife often quarrels, due to her never ending complaints, he still loves her and promises for their family's good future.

•James has a naturally monotonous voice, he sounds like a robot sometimes.

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