Chapter 3: The Cliche Damsel In Distress

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I wake up in a groggy state, my vision blurred and my thoughts disconcerted. Stretching my arms in front of me, I glance at the digital clock on my bedside table. The digits signify that it's way past midnight. Have I really been sleeping this entire time?

On cue, my stomach grumbles and I slide my feet into my monkey slippers, making my way to the kitchen to raid the fridge. 

Milk, fruits, eggs--what even is  that green mouldy thing? 

I let out a huff and slam the refrigerator door shut upon seeing nothing delectable. Damn it! I guess mom forgot to go grocery shopping. Again. 

Can't a girl get a midnight snack for fucks sake?

I grab my house keys and make my way outside, closing the door behind me. The chilly air nips at my neck and I feel stupid for forgetting to put on a pullover or at least a scarf in my rush for food. I wrap my arms around myself and pick up my pace, hoping to reach the nearest McDonald's as soon as possible. 

The street is deserted and even though I'm not usually a very paranoid person, it's safe to say that I'm pretty freaked out. I mean, who knows what might be lurking around those corners?

I almost run over to the entrance as I spot the McDonald's sign. The smell of greasy fries and freshly brewed cappuccino hits me, bringing back my hunger full force. 

As I walk over to the counter I see a guy already leaning against it. 

Who the hell would be here at this ungodly hour? Whoever it is definitely has pretty broad shoulders.

And as if hearing my thoughts, he turns around and yet again I'm met with a familiar pair of hazel eyes and chiseled features. 

Of course, it has to be him. It's none other than Ashton Hale. I groan loudly, cussing him under my breath. Could this day get any worse? 

His eyes light up upon seeing me and a guilty expression morphs his features. He opens his mouth, most probably to apologize again but I hold my hand up, signalling him to stop. 

"Don't bother, it's too early for me to deal with your shit right now. I mean, I don't have any coffee or food in my system yet. Like seriously, can't a girl get her food in peace for once?"  I exclaim.

"Does this mean I'm forgiven?" he says hopefully.

"Yeah yeah, just get out of my way. A girl's gotta eat," I say, as I shove him to the side.

"Six nuggets, one egg and cheese bagel, a large fry, 2 hot cakes, one venti cappuccino and an apple pie." I finish placing my order to the cashier.

Her eyes widen at my order but she doesn't say anything, instead giving me a fake smile and asking if that will be all. I give her an equally fake smile and pay for my food.

A voice behind me calls out, "Are you really going to eat all of that?"

I turn around and raise an eyebrow, giving him a pointed look, "No, I bought it to cure world hunger. Do you have a problem?" 

"Uh, no no. I was just wondering how you fit all that into your small body. No need to be sarcastic."

"I know I'm hot Ashton, but you have a girlfriend who won't appreciate you checking out my 'small body'." I say, making air quotes with my fingers.

 His ears start turning pink and he looks uncomfortable and at a loss for words. 

"Cat got your tongue?" I remark, with a small smirk as he opens and closes his mouth like a fish. "Anyway, why are you here at this time?' I ask gesturing to our surroundings and putting him out of his misery. 

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