Chapter 5: The Cliche Prank

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A/N: Turns out accidentally the unedited chapter got uploaded. We've fixed the mistake, everything is the same just a few changes towards the end. If you like, you can read it all over! And if you're a new reader then ignore this and go on, read! Sorry for this guys. Thanks once again. Love you all.

"How about we chop all her hair off?" Rebecca quips.

"Nah, that will be too easy on her. She deserves worse. How about we just break her leg, push her by accident or something, know what I mean?" I contemplate, rubbing my chin.

"Woah woah! Back the truck up guys. No one is chopping off anyone's hair," Logan interjects and Rebecca opens her mouth to protest but he glares at her, effectively shutting her up. "Or breaking anyone's legs for that matter."

"But--we have to get back at her!" Rebecca whines. 

"What do you mean you 'have' to get back at her? She hasn't even done anything to you!" Logan exasperates as he pulls on his hair, clearly very frustrated.

"Yet!" Rebecca and I say simultaneously. 

"Fine." He responds coolly, leaning against a locker.

Something doesn't settle well with me. Logan never really agrees with our decisions. He has always been the one who thinks logically, but then again he probably realised that Rebecca and I won't budge on this one and hence, agreed to our revenge filled plans.

Or maybe he's using reverse psychology. Bloody hell, I'm not falling for that crap.

"Great! Now we just have to figure out what to do." Rebecca muses, her eyes gleaming. "By the way Coco, when are you meeting up with Seth for your tutoring? There's a math test coming up soon you know."

"Another test?" I ask horrified. "We just had one this week!"

"Don't worry, Seth will help you out. The guy is a genius, he doesn't have a 4.0 GPA for no reason." Logan says.

"How can one be good at math. How?" I whine, throwing my arms in the air in exasperation.

"How can you not?" Logan shoots back.

"Look. Math and I have a complicated relationship. I like it and I try to make it work between us, I honestly do, but it just doesn't respond back. Not my fault, now is it?" I explain the reason that I've come up with for why I suck at math. But Logan doesn't really buy it seeing how he just looks down and shakes his head in exasperation.


A loud screech follows me as I tiredly drag my body into the locker room after finishing the three extra laps coach made me run because I missed practice last week.

Rebecca smirks at me.

Game. Set. Match.

We make our way to the crowd of girls gathered right at the door of the locker room and I school my features into a look of pure innocence as I tap the girl standing in front of me, blocking my view, "What happened?" I ask her, standing on my toes to try and get a better view. 

"Looks like someone didn't like Mila's brown hair," she giggles, secretively.

"I say she got what she deserves," Rebecca remarks.

"Coraline Fucking Mathews! Where the hell is she?!" 


The crowd of girls quickly turn their heads in my direction as if they are robots and part like the Red sea ro make way for their so called 'Queen Bee', which I'd like to regard as 'Queen Bitch'.

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