Chapter 13: The Cliche Birthday

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Dedicated to @awk01d for all her love and support. Coco and her brother, Cameron up there!

"Hey birthday girl!"

I shut the car door, getting comfortable in my seat as I turn to grin at Logan.

"How's your day been so far?" he asks, revving the engine up.

I cross my arms across my chest, pouting, "I spent seven hours in a hell hole, so you can imagine."

Logan chuckles, "I'm sure you got a lot of attention though."

I scoff, arching a brow giving him an 'are-you-kidding-me' look, "I always get attention, Logan. I mean, have you seen me?" Flipping my hair over my shoulder, I smirk at him to which he just shakes his head in utter resignation.

He loves me.

I let my previous grin find its way back to my lips as I start telling him about my day, not being able to contain my excitement.

What? I love birthdays!

"Parvati was the first one to wish me this morning when I got to school."

He glances at me from the corner of his eye for a split second before he focuses on the road again. "Parvati? That girl sure knows how to make random appearances. Seriously though, where does she always come from?"

Laughing, I nod agreeing with him, "Beats me."

"Who else?"

"Hmm. There was Reece, Sabrina, Seth, Ashton, Kayla, Max.... and... and I don't know, almost everyone I talk to who knew about my birthday wished me...." I trail off, thinking about today's events.

There were a lot more who wished me but Logan doesn't know some of them and there are those whose names I've forgotten. Okay, sue me. I'm bad with names.

Though I do remember a certain someone whose name I definitely can't firget... But then I discarded him as unimportant because his greeting wouldn't even be considered close to a wish. Or is it?

My mind wanders off to earlier this morning when I walked passed Tyler in the hallways. He doesn't greet me or wish me like a normal person would, oh - no no. He just walks up to me and hands me a cup of coffee.

"This is half filled," I tell him, gaping at the half empty cup. He just shrugs in response, "I got thirsty," he says with a smirk and walks away before I can even ask him why he gave it to me.

This boy I swear.

I snap back to reality as I look back at the cup of coffee.

Yes, I still have it.

I start twirling it in my hand when I notice something I didn't before. The cup has 'Happy Birthday' written on it.

I can't help the smile that takes over my features at this thoughtful gesture. Sure it isn't that great, but coming from brooding Tyler, it's huge.

Logan snaps me out of my thoughts by saying something that makes me want to drop dead.  "I'm sure I remember a lot of people who you don't talk to also wishing you," a smirk breaks out on his face, "Rebecca sure knows how to make someone feel special."

I cringe on the inside as I remember what happened during lunch earlier today. Rebecca decided that as my best friend, it was her duty to make almost the entire school aware of my birthday. So, she stands up on a chair, announcing it to the entire cafeteria then makes or should I say - demands people to wish me. Oh and that wasn't even the worst part.

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