Chapter 2

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After a while my bed room was finally finished. (^^) I laid on my bed till my mom walked in. I looked away from my pillow that I was drooling over. What I love one direction I can't help that they look so delicious.

"It's time for dance love." My mom said.

I nodded and stood up. I walked to the front door. I took my toms off and put my high top black vans. I smiled. I grabbed my bag that had everything I needed for dance my water bottle, extra clothes, sweater, my phone.

"Ready!" I called to my mom.

My mom rushed downstairs. Everything in the house was set up already so my mom didn't have to worry about those men stealing anything. My mom and I walked out to the car after she locked the door. I squealed really excited till I saw a girl around a lot taller than me running toward me. What can I say I'm short as hell.

"Hey before you leave I'm Dalitza I'm your next door neighbor and everyone calls me Dali, you're going to dance I see, so am I I'm going to IDA today, what about you?" Dali asked.

"Um I'm not sure my mom is surprising me with everything." I said and giggled.

"Oh she's going to the same exact studio!" my mom said.

Oh no. My mom thinks I'm going to become best friends with a girl I just met. She'll treat her like a daughter.

"Well you know since you're kinda busy I can drive her to the dance studio." Dali said.

I looked at my mom who nodded. I'm surprised but this neighborhood did seem like a friendly place.

"As long as its okay with your mom I'm okay with it." My mom said.

I smiled. I looked up at Dalitza, I was about up to her nose. I giggled. She took my hand taking me to her moms car.

"Honey text me when you get there and when you are ready to come home." my mom called toward me.

I nodded and got in the car with Dalitza. I bit my bottom lip. I looked at Dalitza and smiled at her. I was excited to know at least one person in the academy. I mean who wants to start off as the girl who doesn't know anyone. I sure as hell don't. Dalitza looked at me. 

"What's your name?" Dali asked. 

"Jessica Jaylynne Rodriguez." I replied smiling. 

I looked at the road. Dalitza took out her phone. 

"Do you have instagram Jess?" Dali asked. 

I nodded and got my phone out going on instagram going on my profile. I showed her. I felt the car stop and turn off. I looked out the window and smiled widely when I realized we reached the studio. I waited for her to send a request. I accepted it and got out of the car texting my mom that I was at the studio. 

"Thank you Dalitzas mom." I said and got out. 

I waited for Dalitza. We ran into the studio knowing we were late. I smiled at Dalitza. We walked up to the front desk. "Hi I'm Jessica Rodriguez." I said. The person at the front desk nodding. "Alright and Dalitza Reyes is in." The man with blue eyes said. The man stood up and lead us inside. I smiled widely. 

"Everyone this is Jessica but I call her Jess." The man said to everyone. "I'm Matt and this is my fiance Dana, she helps me choreograph dances."

I waved to him. I smiled. I looked around. Dalitza took my hand taking me toward a group. I smiled softly. I bit my bottom lip. 

"Hi Jessypoo." An asian boy a bit taller than me fluffy hair said to me. 

I waved giggling softly. Dalitza chuckled softly. 

"That's Sean Lew, he cooks, dances, and I forgot what else." Dalitza giggled. 

"I play piano toooo." Sean whined crossing his arms. 

I giggled and looked at the rest. I felt short. I smiled softly at him. Sean smiled at me and hugged me. He only got teased when he hugged me. 

"Awwww does Seanypoo have a crush on a girl he just met?" A girl with a hat that asked weirdo. 

"Shut up Kaycee." Sean said.


I know my stories suck :( but anyways I had to stop this chapter it was too long!!! BYE GUYS ~Queen Noelzz

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