Chapter 9: A Bit of Fun

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Rey woke up late by her standards, her eyes opening slowly to a dimly lit room, the only light coming in from the sides of the heavy curtains and flooding out of the bathroom. By the jacket thrown across the chair and the clothes piled half in/ half out of the bathroom she remembered she had fallen asleep in Finn's room. There was a small cart on the other side of the bed, closer to the door, that had a little bowl of prepackaged cereal and a little carton of milk. Rey stretched and took a deep breath, pushing herself up and pulling her knees to her chest. Finn was in the shower and the steam was pouring out of the brightly lit room. He sure did like to take advantage of the hot water in the hotel. There was a knock on the door and she crawled across the sheets instead of walking around the bed to go answer it. Poe stood outside the door wearing a robe and looking more disheveled than before.

"Good morning, little Rey of sunshine. Get it? Huh? Get it?" he joked smugly, but with good intentions, and nodded to be let it. He had a gentle smile on his face that made Rey slightly angry.

"Don't you have your own room?" she said flatly and kept her eyes on his face instead of his slowly opening robe.

"Yeah but I wanted to talk to Finn. I think I found him a job." Rey rolled her eyes and opened in the door.

"You'll have to wait. He's in the shower." she yawned and shut the door and then went to climb back into the bed. She was still dead tired despite having slept in. Poe smiled at her and then gave a curious, somewhat flirty, look.

"Shower eh? You two have fun last night?" he winked and picked up the carton of milk and looked at it boredly as if he had to do something with his hands. Rey scrunched up her face.

"No, but you did." Poe grinned and chuckled and looked at her.

"Sure did." Finn stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and greeted Poe.

"Hey, man. Why are you in here?" Poe bit his lip and looked at Finn for a second and then sighed.

"Found you a job I think." Finn looked hopeful and the two men started talking but all the while Rey was sitting on the bed slowly melting into a flustered mess. Why was she feeling like this? She was so confused and she couldn't even put a name to it but it was definitely caused by Finn's lack of clothes and... wetness. She could feel her cheeks heating up and quickly curled up under the blankets with her back towards them.

"Something wrong, Rey?" Finn asked worriedly and she shook her head, still not turning around.

"Nothing. Just go with Poe and look into that job. At least one of us will have some income. We can't just mooch off of him." Finn sighed and looked at her worriedly but nodded.

"Right. What are you going to do all day?" she could hear him starting to get dressed and she sighed in relief. No more blushing and unnecessary stress for her. At least for now.

"I'll probably go out and look for some odd jobs. Don't know. Maybe I'll just sit here and eat that cereal if Poe would put down the milk. The late comer of the trio looked over at her guiltily as he took a gulp right out of carton.

"Oops..." he muttered and Rey turned over and gave him a look that could kill.

"Are you kidding me. Are you kidding me?" she grumbled and threw her fists back to the sides of her pillow and reined herself in. This guy was going to drive her crazy and she knew it. Finn was pulling on his jacket when his eyes focused on Rey's and hers on his and he smiled, pulling it back off his shoulders and putting it on the end of the bed. Rey blushed again and found herself smiling.

"Good luck with finding some work today, Rey. I'll see you later alright?" she nodded and the two men left to visit Poe's room before leaving the hotel. Rey hurried after them and asked for little BB so that she wasn't alone all day and then returned to Finn's room with the kitten. They sat for a while, Rey eating the cereal dry and BB drinking a little bit of milk out of the left over empty bowl. It wasn't until Rey had showered and redressed that she realized her backpack and everything she would need to do any work were in her room and she had never asked Poe to help her get a new key.

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