Chapter 17: Nemesis

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"I don't understand what do you mean we can't stay at the hotel anymore?" Rey questioned Poe with an incredulous look on her face. The ex-gangster-turned-fed sighed, rolling his eyes and crossing his arms. They were standing outside of Finn's room as he slept.

"We have to leave the hotel because they're onto us. Finn didn't get SHOT accidentally and I'm sure they were aiming for all of us. Especially him and me. They'll figure out, or probably have already figured out, that we are staying at that hotel." Rey rolled her eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. This was giving her a headache and she could just feel it was going to be a big one.

"Where are we going to stay then?"

"Because you and Amelia accidentally got dragged into this- I'm still mad at him for telling you- you two, along with us, are going to move into an apartment. A protected apartment."

"Yeah, great, bozo. I've got a JOB I have to go to. That doesn't include GUNS or LIFE AND DEATH. How exactly am I supposed to do that in 'witness protection' or whatever?" she could feel herself getting angry. If there was one thing that pissed her off more than anything else it was being coddled. Poe looked at her, eyebrows knitted together and eyes showing something of amusement. Rey pulled a face and gestured a loose 'what' with her hands.

"The guy. The one that USED to hang around the garage is your 'bodyguard' so to speak. But nooooo you scared him off." Rey could feel her blood boil.

"A boDY GUARD?! DO I LOOK LIKE I NEED A-" Poe clasped his hand over her mouth and nodded his head at Finn's room.

"He's trying to sleep. There are OTHER patients in the hospital trying to sleep too so keep your voice quiet. Jeez, sunshine." she glared at him and whispered angrily through his palm.

"I don't need a bodyguard."

"Yeah you do." he pulled his hand away and wiped it on his thigh, making a big deal out of the warmth of her breath that had brushed against his palm.

"I've gone my entire life without a bodyguard, I sure as hell don't need one now." she was trying to keep herself reigned in but Poe could still see the fire of rage in her green eyes and something about it made her seem even cuter to him.

"Thank Finn for this but- you haven't been being chased by the mob your entire life- now you need a bodyguard, princess." if looks could kill he would be dead after that nickname rolled off his tongue. After that they fell silent, leaning against the wall with their arms crossed and one foot in front of the other. The same pose.


Rey was glad that they didn't have very many things but she wasn't happy about the single bedroom the four of them were being put in. For some reason they 'couldn't afford' something with at least two rooms and even though Finn didn't know yet she knew he would be the least happy about it of all of them. Poe and Amelia weren't exactly pleased but they also didn't complain, the slightly older couple more mature about the 'arrangement'. The plan was: they got the bed (probably why they weren't complaining) and Finn and Rey had to share an air mattress on the floor. Because, once again, they 'couldn't afford' another bed in the room large enough for two beds if you did nothing but sleep in the room meant for sleep.

Now the young woman was pulling their stuff out of a bag and putting it in the dresser, all of their stuff together fitting in one drawer. Rey hung his jacket on a rack though, liking to see it out and having easy access to it at all times. Poe looked around the room and shrugged.

"Not too bad."

"That's because you and your girlfriend get the bed." she retorted.

"That's not what I'm talking about." he grumbled and Rey found herself shrouded in the darkness of a t-shirt that had been tossed over her head. She pulled it off and threw it back in his face.

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