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It wasn't all harshness and hurting with Luciano though; in the same day he could have me chained and whipped, we could be relaxing together quite calmly on the same couch, that day being no different.

I was allowed to massage his shoulders and back - though we both knew I just wanted to touch his skin - and I caught him several times checking my scars, admiring his own work as he slowly eased into me until he seemed at peace, and I smiled at last, feeling some of his anger and discontent melt away at my touch.

"You are very tense," I commented after a few blissful moments of this peace.

"Si bastardo, no merda," he responded in a lazily snappish manner, frowning at the wall.

"And why is that?" I pressed, well-aware that I was about to pass some limits if I kept pushing him, but hardly caring, not if it meant some kind of a rise, any kind.

"I cannot imagine," he muttered, going to rub his temples as I assumed he began to develop a headache from me.

"Here, let me," I whispered into his ear, carefully taking his face into my hands as he turned towards me so we were facing each other. I felt my heart racing and I couldn't take my eyes off of him, drawing him ever nearer as I stroked his forehead and cheeks and hair.

"Please?" I whisper-asked, wanting desperately to just kiss his lips already, touch his body, draw him in closer to me. And when I could see the indecisiveness across his still half-relaxed face - it was wonders what a simple massage could do to relax the body into a stupor - I smoothly took the chance to slip my hands under his uniform shirt to massage his well-defined muscles there as well, my hands moving slow and delicately, not wanting to break the trance I still had him caught in and even more so wishing to savor the moment, the feel, the connection. My lips however were firm when I pressed them against his, and I worked them trying to get a reaction out of him, which actually wasn't given until I pulled away and saw his eyes locked on my face. I could practically see his brain kicking back into functioning, even as some last lingering emotions I read in his eyes could not be hidden fast enough, and I felt myself hope, even just a little, before I put back on my own mask and he made his first move to wrench away from me.

"Hm, it would seem you truly are not that much more relaxed, now are you?" I asked, smirking.

"Get out," he demanded, in a clipped and emotionless voice, and I didn't even dream of disobeying my commander. And as much as I would have liked to turn back at the door to see his confused face as his brain attempted to process the situation, I continued down the hall away from him.

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