Part 2

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Louis sat at his kitchen table, dressed in only his boxers and dressing gown,  in his small council style flat in London. A cigarette in one hand and coffee in the other.

"I thought you were going to try and quit?" Charlie asks walking into the kitchen with his school shirt unbuttoned and tie draped around his shoulders, grabbing his school trousers off of the drying rack and a bagel of the counter biting into it.

"Easier said than done." Louis mutter stubbing his cigarette out on the ashtray. "What time you home tonight?"

"Don't have any plans, so will probably just come straight back after school." Charlie explains.

"Grab some groceries on your way back then, we're running out of food." Louis asks.

"Why can't you do it?" Charlie mumbles, pulling on his trousers.

"Ive got plans smart ass." Louis retorts, downing the rest of his coffee.

"Like what you finally going to get a job?" Charlie asks snarkily.

"Your fifteen years old and not to fucking big for me to put over my knees! I suggest you get off your high horse and get to school so you don't end up like me if I'm that big of a disappointment to you!" Louis yells, slamming his fist against the table.

Charlie says nothing, just going to the bathroom to finish getting ready before he leaves for school.

Once Louis hears the door close, he gets up and reaches on top of the kitchen cupboards grabbing a familiar packet. He was clean for years but every now and again over the last fifteen years he would relapse. Now resorting to keeping some cocaine in the apartment for when he really needs it and after Charlie speaking to him like that he needs it.

He sits back at the table making a line before snorting it quickly and wiping at his nose.

He sits there remembering his old life.

He had millions of pounds, a mansion in London, sports cars, fans and friends. It's all different now. Everyone thinks he's dead. He may as well be. When he found out he was pregnant he had to get clean. It was a miracle he survived that night. It was miracle he got clean. Management didn't want to know and Louis didn't want the boys to know. Didn't want Harry to know.

There was no certainty the baby was Harry's, not then. Louis slept around, anyone who would have him or give him a pill but when Charlie was born he knew. Charlie's curly dark hair and bright green eyes left no doubt in Louis mind as to who the father is and it kills him everyday as a reminder of what he once had.

When Louis was giving birth he couldn't even go to the hospital, he had to give birth in the very room he is currently sitting in. If anyone found out he was still alive he could go to jail, he's barely left the apartment in fifteen years.

He flicks through some random crap TV before landing on rubbish reality show.


"Haz you ok?" Liam asks, sitting on Harry's hotel room bed.

"Yeah, just thinking." Harry sighs, "It's amazing, even after  fifteen years it doesn't get any easier."

"I still think about him too you know?" Liam says, sipping water bottle. Harry just smiles, not wanting to speak anymore on it, "How's Sarah?" Liam asks.

Harry rolls his eyes, "She wants a divorce. I'm thirty fucking five, married three times, two kids to two different women who want nothing to do with me. My life's a fucking joke."

"The kids just need some time Haz, they'll come round!" Liam says, trying to reassure him.

"Maybe..." Harry sighs, "Let's just get to practise."


"You're late." Louis acknowledges as Charlie walks in the door, smelling of a mixture of too much aftershave and smoke. "If you are going to complain about me smoking don't come back here stinking off it."

"Sorry, I was late 'cause I was talking to Mikey, he got tickets to this concert and he asked me to come with him." Charlie explains unpacking the groceries, "Only problem is we have no one to take us and I was hoping you could maybe drive us?" Charlie asks quietly, chewing his lip and waiting for his dad to say no.

Louis sighs, "You have been a good boy recently." He thinks for a second. "When is it?" Louis asks.

"In a week?" Charlie answers quickly turning to look at his dad with pleading eyes.

"Fine." Louis agrees as Charlie whips out his phone to tell his forensic the good news, "What concert is it?"

Charlie looks up from his phone for a second, "Hm? Oh, One Direction. It's their last tour."

Louis heart stops for a second. If he took the boys it would be the closest he's been to the boys in fifteen years. "Why do you want to go see them? You don't like them do you?" Louis panics, pulling out a cigarette and sparking it up. "Want one?" Louis offers, handing Charlie the packet and lighter as he sparks one up.

"Their new stuff is actually alright." He admits, taking a drag, "Plus it's a free ticket."


Harry sits off the edge of the stage, drinking some of his water. He remembers waking up in hospital the night Louis died. His throat felt torn to pieces, his head in a vice like grip and uncontrollable shakes through his hands and legs.

He woke to find Liam asleep, resting his head on Harry's legs. When Liam woke he told Harry what happened. He screamed until his voice out, crying and begging for it not to be true and then doing the same asking for alcohol. It was pathetic. Eventually he remembered his last conversation with Louis about nothing changing. He knew he could do it for Louis.

Since that day he hasn't touched a drop of alcohol; that's not to say he hasn't wanted to drink or been tempted. The first few weeks were the worst, the pain and withdrawal symptoms he felt were so intense it left him wheelchair bound.

Zayn comes and sits next to Harry, "You know, if this is too hard or stressful just say so and we can take a break and talk..."

"After fifteen years sober you still think I'm going to drink?" Harry mutters, ashamed of what he's done to his life.

"You're an alcoholic Harry, I'll always worry about you relapsing. I wouldn't blame you if you did." Zayn says with a small smile towards his friend, "Don't tell me you weren't just thinking about Louis and drinking."

Harry sighs.

"Sometimes I just wonder if maybe I could control it now. You know? I'm in a different place than I was back then. Maybe I could have a glass of wine with dinner and not feel the urge to down the bottle before the starter gets there." Harry ponders with a sad laugh.

"Even if you could control it Haz you're liver couldn't take it." Zayn replies with a sad look, trying to understand his friends issues.

"I wasn't going... I'm not going to drink. I just can't help but think about it sometimes."

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