Part 3

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"Have fun boys! I'll meet you back here when it's finished!" Louis smiles, flicking some ash off his cigarette out the car window.

"Oh dad, I forgot to mention, we have tickets to go back stage after the concert and met the band!" Charlie beams.

"Wait you're fifteen won't you need me there?" Louis asks stunned.

"Yeah so could you meet us outside at about eleven?" Charlie asks with a look like butter wouldn't melt. He needs to say no. It's too risky even being in the car park.

"Sure." Louis smiles as Charlie and his friend run off. It'll be ok. Louis remembers how these things work. Once the get passed security he won't actually have to go to the backstage area he can hide in the toilets or smoking area, stay out of sight. He can make it work.


Hours passed by and Louis could hear the performance from his car. Eventually the time came when he had to go meet Charlie.

He walked up to the doors, seeing Charlie waiting for him, "There you are." He smiles.

Louis pulls his hood up and wraps his scarf up making sure it covers at least the tip of his nose and below. They made their way passed security, down a small dimly lit corridor.

"You boys go have fun, come find me when you're ready to go yeah?" Louis says keeping his back to anyone that comes to close.

"You're not coming?" Charlie asks, almost disappointed.

"You're in aren't you? You don't need me in there embarrassing you!" Louis smiles as his son runs on a head, through the swinging doors and in a brief excruciating second he can see and hear Niall. The blond man laughing happily at whatever was happening. The last thing Niall ever said to him was calling him pathetic. His accent was as strong as ever.


"Haz... Have you seen that kid?" Liam whispers to Harry, nodding at Charlie.

"No why?"

"Mate he looks exactly like you, like exactly. It's like looking back at Xfactor you!" Liam laughs, finding it peculiar, "It's amazing how much he looks like you!"

"There's... He... There's something about him seems familiar? Have we met him before? He reminds me of someone..." Harry rambles trying to place the young boy, "He reminds me of..."

"I only see you mate." Liam laughs giving a casual shrug.

Harry walks over to Charlie who appears nervous and awkward, "Alright mate? I'm Harry, nice to meet you."

Charlie smiles, "I'm Charlie." He smiles.

"You a big fan buddy?" Harry asks curiously.

"Not really... I mean I like you guys and all, you's are great singers like but I never really bought into the hype. No offence." Charlie rambles, "My friend Mikey though loves you guys. I came with him but he's disappeared somewhere." He continues with a light laugh.

"At least your honest." Harry smiles. "Are you here with anyone else?"

"Y-yeah my dad."

"Where's he then?" Harry asks curiously.

"Oh god knows, probably looking for somewhere he can spark up." Charlie laughs.

"Oh I could do with a smoke!" Harry replies, "Why don't we go see if we can find him out there?"

Charlie nods following Harry in the direction of the smoking area.

"So how old are you buddy?" Harry inquires in the walk to go outside.

Addict - Larry Stylinson (Addiction/MPREG)Where stories live. Discover now