My Backstory

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Hello. My name is Caroline Richie. I'm 22 years old, and I'm an assistant at the Jeffersonian Institution. That's not how I started, though.

I was always the whiz-kid. The genius. I skipped second and fourth grade. I was abused as a kid, and when I was 10, my parents gave up and abandoned me and my five brothers to fend for ourselves. My two oldest brothers were in high school, and they worked their asses off trying to keep us all fed with their five-dollar-an-hour jobs at Wendy's. I did the best I could, keeping up with school. I skipped sixth grade, and eventually made it onto high-school, where I got a job and could pay for myself. 

I was three years younger that all the other kids in college. I was 16 my freshman year. The FBI saw my potential, though, and took me on as one of their youngest agents-in-training. I traveled across the world for a year, and was declared a KGB agent, an ASIS agent, a CISC agent, and a NCA agent. That's Russia, Australia, Canada, and United Kingdom. 

When I returned to the United States, I decided I wanted to do more than just bust crime. I wanted to solve it. So I worked for a degree in Forensic Anthropology. My senior year, I sent out my request for an internship at the Jeffersonian Institution. I didn't have any high hopes of anyone going for the 20 year old senior, so I was surprised to find that I was chosen out of several applicants to work there. 

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