An Interrogation

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James was having a much better afternoon after his interview. He took his Knightfly 360 out for a spin, managing to score 7 goals against a Hufflepuff boy. He bumped into Iris Nott on the way back, and managed to send 3 of her textbooks flying at her repeatedly, hitting her on the head. He spent dinner with Fred, deciding where he should take Anastasia in Hogsmeade. He barely noticed that Hailey was acting stranger than usual, turning bright red when he looked at her.

After dinner, he, Fred, and Danny took to hiding Cupid Capsules in different student's drinks. They were the latest invention of the Weasley's. They were basically a 15 minute love potion hidden inside a sweet. They made the victim do all kinds of uncontrollable things, such as fainting, abnormal amounts of giggling, and sometimes even a declaration of love for their unlucky subject of affection. Professor Trelawney had an unfortunate encounter with them, having a 15 minute episode of undying love for Hagrid. This ended with her fainting in her chair after seeing him carry in a giant pumpkin. She had to be taken to the Hospital Wing for a reviving potion. The group found this hilarious, James especially, seeing how he had never liked the professor anyway. She seemed to want to carry on her mother's tradition of predicting death to anyone with dark hair and the name Potter.

Their fun bout of mischief ended when Rose found them and confiscated all their sweets.

"Absolutely irresponsible." She said in a stuck-up voice. "Don't you have anything better to do? You might as well go study for your classes, since you are most certainly not copying off of me again."

"Oi, Rose, go shove your face down a book or something. We were only having a bit of fun," protested Danny.

"Well, you can go take your fun somewhere else. I'm taking 5 points off Gryffindor, and at this rate, we'll never win the house cup."

"And it'll be all your fault. None of the other prefects take any points off their own houses!" cried Fred.

"Well, I want to be Head Girl next year, and for that I need to do my job honestly. Now I have to go and take care of some important business."

As she flounced back down the hallway, Fred let another frustrated retort. "Go and do whatever thing that's so important. But if it's shoving your tongue down Scorpius Malfoy's slimy little throat, you really will be the house traitor."

Rose's ears turned bright scarlet and she pivoted back around toward Fred, steaming with anger. "You little brat! I have never done any such thing! What if he hear that? He'll think I like him!"

"But you do, don't you?" cut in James.

"That is none of your business!" she cried. "And if I here you say anything like that again, I'm owling Nana Weasley! And she stormed out of the hall. After the boys finished their hearty bout of laughter, they turned to more serious subjects.

"If she really does fancy that Malfoy rat, then we need to take care of a few things," muttered Fred darkly.

"It's a pity Teddy can't chew out any of the students out anymore, since he's a professor. He did use to scare them real good. All the threats about being half-werewolf," replied James.

"Well, you two go chew him out. I need to write my Transfiguration essay for McGonagall. She threatened to hang me by my ears if it wasn't done on time," said Danny.

"Homework? That's pretty lame. I bet you're just going to the library to see Roxy," James teased.

Fred spluttered. "See Roxy? Since when did you fancy Roxy?"

"Since forever, mate. Didn't you hear him at the party last night? Come on, let's go!" James laughed, and attempted to drag Fred away before he murdered Danny.

"I..I..He said that? At the party? I wasn't really listening, I was too busy thinking about my stupid date with Midgen Pigeon. What even?" Fred repeated, following James.

They found Hugo stuffing Drooble's blowing gum into the keyhole of Filch's closet, and decided to take him along. After taking a quick peek at the Maurauder's map, they followed Scorpius and a few of his friends to the lake.

When they reached there, it was already pretty chilly. Scorpius and his friends were heading back toward the castle. While his friends walked ahead, the three boys snatched Scorpius from the behind and stuffed an oversized potato sack over his head. They carried him, struggling all the way, to a small gardening shed. When they had all stuffed inside, they pulled the sack over his head, and James lumosed his wand. Scorpius looked like a frightened puppy, and if he hadn't been fancying his cousin, James would have been tempted to let him go. But as it was, their interrogation proceeded. The three boys had put on some hats with holes cut in them, just for effect.

"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy," said James in a deep voice.

"Y-y-yes?" stammered Scorpius.

"From certain rumors that have reached my ears, you know a girl. Rose Weasley."

"Uh. She's in my grade," said Scorpius, confused.

"Do you, or do you not, fancy her?"


"Yes, or no?"

"Does it matter? Why would I tell three random strangers anyway?" Scorpius asked, regaining some of his confidence.

"Just answer the question, Malfoy!"

"Maybe," Scorpius said, fiddling with the edge of his sack.

"Well, that's good enough for me. Do you know that if you even dream, even have the tiniest thought of doing anything to her, you will have all her cousins and relatives on your tail till the end of time?"

"Who are you?"

"Does it matter? All you need to know is stay away from Rose. Got it? No talking, to sending owls, no touching, no hand-holding. If I see, or hear about the two of you kissing, I will personally bury you alive, then dig you back up again, pull out your brains, throw them through a meat-grinder, put in a jar, and let it be displayed for all of posterity that this is what happens if you mess with anyone of us!"

"Who's us?" said Scorpius, seeming to be bored.

"Who do you think it is? Remember me?" said James, pulling off his mask. This cued Fred and Hugo to pull of theirs, too.

"Stay away from Rose and you won't get hurt!" said Fred as one last reminder after kicking Scorpius out of the shed. They pulled the door back again.

"I think that went exceptionally well," said a pleased James.

"Next time, I get to be the interrogator. Although next time might be Danny if anything happens between him and my sister!" said Fred crossly.

"Ahh, nothing will happen. Danny's too much a chicken to even say anything to her. But you've got things of your own to be worried about, because they just posted Hogsmeade dates," James reminded evily.

This left Fred bright red and mumbling under his breath as they left the cabin. James leaned in closer to Hugo.

"Bet you 5 galleons that their date doesn't last longer than an hour." He whispered.

"You're on. Betcha 10 that she leaves him standing in the snow." Hugo winked, and James burst out laughing.

It had been a good afternoon, especially since he was deemed to get some money the next Hogsmeade. Some money that would hopefully fuel his plans to set the Slytherine common room on fire. Literally.

>>Hey everyone! I've been posting this fanfic since it's mostly finished, but I actually wrote it two years ago and just now found it on my computer. I've had to make a whole lot of edits, but I know it may not be the best quality, just because it was written the summer of 8th grade year.

I hope you enjoy it anyway. Thanks for reading!

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