A Success and a Revelation

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That evening, James and Hailey sat in the common room with everyone, chatting about the day and waiting for Fred to arrive. James was quite enjoying his spot, warm because of both the fire and his proximity to Hailey, who was propped up on his knee. He was just leaning over, intending to stroke her hair, when a big cheer went up from the rest of the crowd.

Fred had bounded through the doorway and was now standing in front of them, looking thoroughly embarrassed and...pleased with himself?

"Oi Freddie!" Roxy cried, also noticing his unique expression. "How did it go?"

Fred looked down at his knees. "It was fine. Just fine. Nothing to tell." He fake yawned, and exaggeratedly gestured toward the stairs. "I'm going to be off to bed now."

"Oh no, you don't!" Dom said, grasping him firmly around the ankles and pulling him into a chair. "Details. Now. How was she? Did she like her new look? Did you like her new look? Where did you go? What did you eat? Was it fun? Is she nice? Did you snog her?"

At this Fred turned red to the tips of his ears.

"You did!" Dom exclaimed triumphantly. "I am so good. Nobody can resist my sense of style and knack for clothes, not even you!"

James sat up straight. "You seriously kissed her?"

Fred shrugged. "Well, yeah. I dunno. She actually mellowed out a bit when we got to the Broomsticks, and she talked a lot. She's really smart, and actually kind of funny. So on the way back I figured I'd just go for it, and she didn't seem to mind."

James would have collapsed with shock if he had not already been sitting down.

"Well, congratulations I guess," Hailey offered, giving Fred a half-grin. "I wouldn't mess with her too much if I were you, though. The rumors in the girl's bathrooms are brutal."

Fred smiled. "I don't intend to be 'mess' at all. She's too smart for that. But I'm already late for my next date."

"What?" Dom cried, astonished.

"Yeah, my date. I pre-arranged a time with my pillow, and it will get mad if I'm late," Fred teased, heading for the staircase. "Goodnight everyone."

There was more talking after he left, but James let it roll over him, lost in his own thought. He continued thinking even as he lay in bed. Fred was actually starting to get serious about a girl. Most of the other guys in seventh year had girlfriends or were about to get them. Was it time that he, James, made a move?

And would that move be toward Hailey?

The next day offered no clarity at all. James blundered through most of his classes. He almost set Professor Chang's rug on fire, which she was not happy about at all. Even in Quidditch practice he was distracted, to the point where he actually dropped the quaffle and let it sink eight feet to the ground. Needless to say, his team was not pleased with him.

As he was walking back to the castle after changing, he ran into Dom, who was coming from the greenhouses.

"What's up with you?" she asked bluntly, never one for subtlety.

"It's nothing," James said quickly, hoping he would sound truthful.

Dom rolled her eyes. "Yeah right. You've been walking around all day like a ghost, and Hailey has as well. Do something."

"Do what?" James asked suspiciously.

"Something! Anything! I don't know! It's obvious the two of you are head over heels for each other, you're just too idiotic to do anything about it."

James was silent, thrown a bit by what Dom was saying. Head over heels? Was that what he was? He certainly hadn't been feeling right for days, getting nervous around Hailey, but also wanting to be by her all the time.

"So?" Dom asked accusingly. "Look, she already likes you. Just make a move."

"It's not that simple," he muttered under his breathe.

"Yes. It is," Dom replied angrily, "and you're a sackful of Hippogriff dung. Just sweep her off her feet, ask her on a date, and get on with your life already! She's madly in love with you, and you're madly in love with her. It's simple."

James shook his head, processing this information. Simple? Hailey liked him? Hailey loves him?

Dom rolled her eyes and punched him, rather hard, in the elbow. "Take my advice. You can thank me at your wedding reception. I'd like to be your first toast."

She walked away quickly, leaving James with his thoughts, which were racing a million miles per hour. What was he going to do next?

Could he get the girl?

>>Honestly, as I'm sure you can tell, I'm losing momentum with this story. I think the best thing to do would be to just end it quickly, and not painfully drag it out any longer.

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