Chapter 1

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I was bored so I decided to go on cleverbot since I absolutely loved BEN drowned. Since I knew that it was just a robot that just knew everything about BEN Drowned I decided to just talk to it cause I have no life.
Kalliiguess: Hey!
Cleverbot: Hey😏
Kalliiguess: Why did u put the face?
Cleverbot: Guess
Kalliiguess: Umm I'm not sure but I have to go now
Cleverbot: I promise I will see you later
I got off my computer, 'well that we weird' I thought to myself
"Kalli! Come downstairs to eat please"
"Okay mom I'm coming" I turned off my computer and ran downstairs. After we are I thanked my mom for super and then I put my dishes in the dish washer. I decided to take a shower and then go to bed. After my shower I went to my room and put on an old shirt and some fuzzy pyjama pants. I put my hair in a braid and then went to bed. I was half asleep when I remembered that I left my computer on after playing a game. I slapped myself in the face lightly and got up, when I was half way done taking off my blanket, my computer starting buzzing and making this staticky noise. Then a blonde boy about my age appeared. He was pretty hot considering he had red eyes. "I told you I would see you later" the boy said. I just sat there with my mouth wide open. "Y-your B-Ben like Ben D-drowned" I stuttered in shock. "Yup" he said popping the p "and you are?" He said after poking my nose, I slapped his hand away "My name is Kalli", Ben stepped closer to me I felt his breath in my neck "ooh sassy I like that" he said with a smirk on his face. I pushed him lightly and said "I have to go to bed so if you could, please do your thingy and go back into my computer or whatever" he out on a fake pouty lip, it was adorable, "but Kalli" he whined. I just rolled my eyes and crawled into bed, I caught him staring at my but, perv. "I like your friend there" he said with a stupid smirk on his face with his eyebrows cocked up, I jumped out of bed and slapped him right in the face. He grabbed me by surprise and pulled me into a hug, he wouldn't let go so I hugged him back. "How would you like to be this sexy mans friend" he said again with a stupid smirk "what do you mean, where is the sexy man?" I laughed when I saw his very offended face. "Goodnight Ben" I said as I crawled into bed "Goodnight sweet ass" he replied back, before I had the chance to say something he was gone.

Ben DrownedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora