Chapter 4

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The next day I woke up, we were both in my bed. 'I don't remember drinking anything last night' then I looked down and saw that we both still had clothes on. Ben woke up while I was getting out of the bed, "why couldn't we do anything last night?" He said with a fake pout, "we haven't even been dating for 24 hour I think u can wait" Ben pouted and got on his knees and begged, "why are you doing this to me" I answered with a little red spread across my face, "because I am not go no to loose my v-card to someone I JUST started dating" I said then walked out of the room to take a shower, Ben followed me," w-wait you are a virgin?" He looked really surprised, "uh ya" Ben took off his shirt, "uh Ben what are you doing?" I was blushing a bright split red, "I haven't taken a shower in a really long time so why not my first time in forever to be with you I mean, your first time will be with me" he said as cocking his eyebrows again. I picked up his t-shirt and pushed him out, while saying again. "You can wait"
After I got out of the shower I went into my room and looked if Ben was there, no Ben. I locked the door behind me and started to get dressed when u heard this really big bang and Ben screaming. I ran down the stairs to see Ben running around getting chased by my cat. "WHHAATT IIS THHIISS??!!" Ben screamed to me from across the room. I started laughing, so hard that I fell on the floor and my cat kept on chasing Ben. I got up and grabbed my cat and started to pet her. Oh muffin what did he do to you. I said faking it knowing that I would get a reaction out of Ben, "w-what is that c-creature?????" Ben said still trying to catch his breath. I just laughed and replied, "it is my cat, muffin haven't you seen her in the house before?" He replied to me and scratched his head. "Ya well I saw you pet her when she was on that cat thingy and I thought u just petted her for good luck or something I never thought she was real, and when I went up to touch her she scratched me" Ben said with a small pout. "Oh Ben" I set muffing down and laughed, then hugged him.

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