Chapter 2

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I woke up and since it was summer break and I didn't have to go to school. Me and Ben have been hanging out since November and he has been a really good friend, maybe a little pervertive but I got used to it. We were really close friends now, he doesn't like talking about his story a whole lot so I have only asked him once. At one point I did have a crush on him but he probably could find other girls that were prettier so I didn't bother. When I got up I saw that Ben was in the corner watching me sleep again he has bred doing it ever since I had my last nightmare, he does it every time for like a week when this happens. "Morning sunshine" he said looking up at me through his dirty blonde hair. "Do you mind" I said a little grumpy, I didn't get much sleep last night because Ben would not stop tickling me and I was a little mad because it hurt after a while. Ben turned around while I got dressed, I talked while changing," don't you have something better to do then always watch me and always being with me?" I turned around wearing some ripped jeans and a sweatshirt "you mean you don't like being with me?" Be said with a fake pout. "Ugh Ben you know I don't mean that" I walk up to him after putting my hair into a neat ponytail and hug him. "I know you can be annoying and a perv and a weirdo sometimes" Ben looked at me with the 'wow this is supposed to make me feel better' face "buttt you are the closest and best friend I have ever had, I mean you watch over me when I am scared and you comfort me when I'm sad, and I live that" he looks up from me a separates our hug. "Tag your it" he says and then runs off. My parents are barely ever home so we wonder around the house a lot. "I will get you Ben" I yelled while chasing him downstairs. About and hour later we were in my room watching tv. We watched the fault in our stars and Ben was crying, so was I. I didn't realize that we were holding each others hands, I didn't mind so I just left it. I fell asleep around the part where Gus makes his friend and hazel rehearse his funeral, I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled around the end of the movie since I woke up. "Kalli?" Ben asked "Ya Ben" I said softly "what if you die?" He questioned me "what if I don't?" I smiled at him. I got into bed and he went back into my computer.

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