will it ever end!?

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*hai guys and gals so I hope u like the book <3*

Three weeks ago?

Anonymous University Student via UWRA (U Wy Radio)

In today's newsflash, the rash of attacks in our small town of Laramie, Wyoming, has continued to increase in both number and severity over the past few weeks. From what this student can figure out, there has been an experimental version of the popular and successful cure-all, Re-Gen, that turns subjects into flesh eating monsters. Yes, folks, you heard that right. We in the town of Laramie are in the middle of a zombie outbreak.

The town has been placed under quarantine by the federal government, to be enforced by the local National Guard chapter. The men patrolling with guns are there for our protection. Civilians are encouraged to remain inside their houses at all times, but especially after dark. Our zombies are special. They are smart and they work together. They even talk folks, so be on the lookout for the following quirky zombie giveaways.

1. They have lost fine motor skills. Watch for a toddler walk, looking for balance, swaying and tripping.

2. If they can't pick up or dial a phone easily, stay away.

3. They are slow but they move in groups. Do not allow yourself to be surrounded.4. They are strong. Very strong.

5. They heal very fast, while you watch.

If you see any person or persons displaying these traits, casually attempt to find a safe place. Do not let them realize that you are aware of their true nature. Once they do...it's too late.

The only way to destroy them is brain death. A bullet in the brain. Bludgeoning. If the brain is not destroyed, they will not die. I repeat, the brain must be destroyed. If you don't have a way to do this, just pray that they don't smell you. We smell like fresh meat to them, at least that's what my former roommate said before he tried to eat me this morning. They aren't like us anymore. They don't feel anything, not like they did before. Friendship is gone. Family is gone. They are...they aren't human. Not like they were.

This is not a joke. I have seen them. They hunt at night and they are hungry. For us. The new strain of Re-Gen is carried in blood and saliva. Arm yourselves and keep your heads down fellow survivors. If they bite you, you will turn into one of them. This is my first and last broadcast. The guard is motioning for me to leave now. My last words to you my friends...If you can get out, do it. Go to Cheyenne or anywhere away from here because our world is about to change and not for the...

chapter 1 - sams journal

Night 17

Well, here we are... sitting around in the dark, waiting for the end of the world...again. It doesn't seem like the world has changed much when you look outside. The streets are still there. Cars sit empty in the moonlight, eerily looming like spies on those of us who dare to remain. Don't go out to look at them though, not at night anyway. Night is deadly now. Those things watch and wait. They are smarter than we thought they would be. Whoever decided that zombies don't have higher brain function was on crack. They work together and make plans. They can take over an entire town in a week, less if the inhabitants aren't vigilant.

This town is almost gone, and then we move on. That's what we do. Okay, that's what we plan to do, go to zombie zones and assess the damage, and help with either evacuation or recovery. I'm pretty sure it will usually be evacuation. Recovery is almost always futile, but we humans are quite stubborn sometimes and don't like to give up. Even to a pack of bloodthirsty zombies. I should probably introduce myself, for whoever might be reading this. I am Sam. I used to be Samantha, but long names get dropped fast when you are knee-deep in gore, fighting to keep a team alive. I also used to wear something besides jeans and dirty t-shirts. And take showers. Jamie said with my light brown eyes and long tawny hair I reminded him of a lion. I had to chop it off, though. No more hiding behind it. It hits just below my ears and it's not pretty anymore, Sean cut it with a knife we found a while back. Sean is my twin brother. He's five inches taller than me at five foot eleven. We have the same hair and the same eyes, but he has a scruffy beard he thinks make him look tough. He likes to shoot things and he's gotten pretty good at it. Jamie is my ex-boyfriend and Sean's best friend. He's taller than both of us, about six foot one. He has this silky brown hair, at least he used to, that I loved to run my fingers through. His blue eyes can look right through me, which sucks because that means he always knows what I'm feeling and thinking. Don't tell him I said so, but he also has this smile that lights up the world. Too bad he doesn't' smile anymore. He stays angry so we can stay alive. He likes to hit zombies with an aluminum bat we found in Laramie. Ken Griffey signed it. He thinks it brings him luck. Me, I like fire. Molotov cocktails are my specialty. There is something extremely satisfying about making something burn. I didn't used to be able to do any of this, but as they say, or used to, necessity is the mother of invention and we have about as much necessity as we can handle most of the time.

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