is it the end?

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chapter 15- sam

If I never see another scientific report in my life, I will be happy. They are so technical and, let's face it, boring. I'm not really concerned with how fast plants grow with the special lights installed in the terrarium. I don't care about the chemical mixture used to keep the bug population down. I also don't care about the formula used for plant food. I just want to find a safe place to stay. Right, find the entrance to the research facility.

Focus, Sam, stop thinking about all of the things that could happen. The baby will be fine. The zombies aren't going to come here. Carson wasn't really a zombie. He just got scared again. I want chocolate. And milk. Ooooh, Oreos. I want Oreos.

"Sam, did you find something?" I hear from what feels like a distance and I slowly pull myself back to reality. It's Brenna, "Did you find something?"

"Um, no," I say with a little embarrassment, "I was daydreaming. Sorry."

"That's okay," she says with an encouraging smile, "You have a lot on your mind right now. It's a big deal. By the way, congratulations. I'm so happy for you and Jamie. I would kill for some chocolate right now. Do we have any left anywhere in the compound?"

"Matt keeps some in a drawer in his desk," I remind her, "You are always yelling at him for giving it to Gwyn."

"Oh, yeah," she says with a mischievous smile, "I forgot."

"Liar," I tell her, "You knew exactly where it was. How much is left?"

"Twenty-eight pieces this morning," she says without thinking, then blushes and words rush out before she can stop them. "I wasn't in here this morning, well, I came in with Gwyn. She wanted to say good morning to Matt and he gave her some. Candy. He gave her some candy."

"What did he give you?" Thia asks with a knowing smile.

Gray eyes become the size of saucers as Brenna stutters, "N-n-n-nothing. He, he didn't give me a thing." Then she stops and takes a deep breath before saying fondly, "One of these days, Thia, I am going to kick your ass. For real."

Thia just grins and says, "Was it worth the wait?"

"Totally," Brenna dreamily responds without hesitation, "Damn it, Thia! Stop that! Besides, it's not like anything happened. Gwyn was there the whole time."

I laugh at the two of them. I am kind of jealous because they are both the same age and have had a few similar experiences. They know things that I don't and they get things that completely go over my head sometimes. Like Star Wars. Really? I mean, it was an okay movie I guess, but...really? Of course, I can't even think that around Sean and Jamie because they get it too. It's lonely being the normal one sometimes.

"You get the chocolate," Thia commands Brenna, "He won't get mad at you and if he does you are far better equipped to sooth him," making me giggle because Brenna is about the only person he actively gets mad at. Probably because she pushes his buttons, trying to get him to let go of that iron self control he has.

She does a lot of things to take care of him, but I don't think he sees them. She doesn't say anything; she just does what she thinks needs to be done. Like telling everyone that instead of bringing personal problems to Matt, bring them to her and she will deal with them. She also makes the schedules for non-military stuff. All of it. She also keeps track of what we have and what we need. She has a clipboard that she keeps everything on. When he sees it, he takes it from her and looks at it before setting it down somewhere she can't get to it.

I don't get them. They are so much in love and they just don't seem to connect, at least not that I've seen. It's pretty sad, actually, damn tragic in fact. I guess they need a little help. Maybe an intervention. We could lock them in a room and leave them until they work it all out. I think I'll talk to Thia about this later.

will it ever end!?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora