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chapter 13 - sam

There is a chill in the air. I'm pretty sure it's going to snow soon. I'm walking from the dorm to the clinic, I feel like crap lately. I'm always tired and things are sore that aren't supposed to be. I'm also feeling sick to my stomach all of the time. As I walk, I think about my new life. I can't believe we've been here for over a month now. Carson still hasn't showed back up but we are all waiting for him. The cold weather has made it harder to entertain all of the kids since they need to stay inside where it's warm. We got most of the electronic entertainment the guys brought back from Laramie hooked up and which keeps everyone sort of busy, but video games and movies won't last forever.

Jamie has been working on the samples from the girl zombie and Carson, trying to find a way to detect the virus faster. He's getting close but it's very frustrating for him. He feels like the more he learns, the more he realizes he doesn't know. He's also working full time as the compound medic/doctor. Molly calls us Mommy and Daddy exclusively now. I love it. We love it.

Thia and I started a school for the kids. We have ten of them in attendance now. Our future I guess. Molly and Emma are best friends. They love to follow Gwyn around. Nicky and Gwyn are pretty close too. They remind me a little bit of me and Jamie which drives Matt crazy. He really loves that little girl. Danny and Theo hang out with the soldiers almost exclusively. They are both learning how to shoot guns and Matt says they are getting extremely good.

The rest of the kids in our school came with the group from Rawlings. Thirteen year old Anna is very quiet and shy but super smart. She has short black hair and big brown eyes, with dark chocolate skin. She is beautiful and tragic. Her parents didn't make it out of Rawlings. Brock is fourteen, with green eyes and brown hair. He's very brave and wants to take care of everyone. Jamie saved his mom in Rawlings, so he hangs out at the clinic as much as he can. Kara and Maggie are both fifteen with matching blue eyes and straight long blond hair. They have been best friends since kindergarten and came here with Maggie's dad.

They are a great group of kids and they love to learn. We try to make it as fun for them as possible. Thia's background in English and reading is a pretty good balance with my science and history. Brenna helps out with music and math classes.

Speaking of Brenna, she and Matt still haven't got their issues worked out. They get along now, mostly. Brenna has stopped yelling at him every time he does something she doesn't like, which is often. Gwyn is with him every chance she gets. He calls her Princess. She has her mom's gray eyes and dark hair and she is tall and lanky. They completely adore each other. I see Brenna watching them sometimes. She wants to be with them so much but something is holding her back. She won't talk about it, even to Thia who has become one of her closest friends. On the up side, Bren and Sean have started singing for the group a couple of nights a week. Everyone loves it. Matt stands in the very back and watches her, his hungry eyes follow her every move.

Brenna has also taken it upon herself to organize the compound. She works with Matt to schedule kitchen, cleaning, and guard duties. She keeps track of everything and knows who can do what at a moment's notice. She is the one people take their problems to now, not Matt. I think she did that on purpose, to give him a break. She's always making sure he's okay, even if he doesn't know it, just like he does with her. They are frustrating to watch. It feels like a bomb is about to go off every second they are in the same room.

Sean and Thia are still going strong. They have taken over the care of Nicky and Emma. Sean feels especially close to them because of their father's abandonment and zombification. Nick follows him around as often as we let him. They are best buds now. Sean has also started working on getting the ancient computers running and hooked up to a satellite or something. He has them all working now, even has some of them updated with Windows 7 and new hardware, courtesy of the abandoned Wal-Mart. They won't run games, but they can run other programs. He says that he needs maybe another month to get them all connected to the wireless satellite network, if it's still there.

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