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A long time ago, in the year of 201X, there lived a small village. The village's people strongly believed that there is evil in everyone, from the moment they are born.

They did not believe it was possible to cleanse themselves even by doing good, so if someone acted as a vessel, then the rest couldn't be evil no matter what.

This was the horrible idea they all believed. The child the villagers had chosen to be the "vessel" was no more than seven. They had a friend who couldn't understand why they were treated with such disrespect.

Chara, the older child, was bullied, beaten, and abused, almost everywhere they went. Often times, they had to go without food during the winter times.

Frisk, the younger child, was one of the few people who didn't pick on Chara endlessly. Frisk themself went hungry sometimes to feed their friend.

Frisk was shunned for being nice to who they considered a "demon" who held the sins of the village. They weren't treated as badly as Chara, most of the villagers only ignored them.

One day, Chara's mother went a little too far in her torment of the child. She'd brought a knife into their room and attempted to stab the child.

This prompted Chara to run away, their mother chasing them along the way. On their way to the forbidden mountain, they ran into Frisk. Frisk stood up for Chara to their mother. This didn't stop her, but in a trip in her chase brought the knife to Frisk's hands. She tried to coax the knife away from them, but her angry, loud voice and aggressive body language frightened Frisk, and when she tried to grab the knife with force...

Chara's mother was killed. The villagers, who had taken no action to stop the fight before, now charged Chara and accused them of corrupting Frisk.

In blind terror, Chara and Frisk rushed to Mt. Ebott, and they jumped down the same hole, together.

The last paragraph was supposed to be written out, I'll do that next chapter though.
Hope this little exposition will clear up questions for later in the story. Something like that I don't know.
Please tell me what you think of the story so far!

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