The Underground

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Needless to say, the fall was very harsh for a couple of seven year-olds. Frisk had only woken up after a long time and Chara took even longer. Frisk staggered a little bit, a couple scratches here and there, otherwise they looked fine.

Chara was another story. A few more scratches, and some scars had reopened. Frisk had to help Chara up because their leg had been damaged the most.

The two looked around the underground for a while, they had landed on a garden of what appeared to be sunflowers. Whatever they were, they weren't the buttercups of their village, otherwise they'd be in a world of pain. They could just barely see the daylight sky when they looked up at the hole they'd fallen through. It appeared nighttime was coming soon.

Frisk called out into the caverns, searching for any kind of help. "Hello? Is anyone there? We fell, we're hurt, can we get any help?" Their timid voice wasn't that loud, and didn't seem to help. Chara managed to get on their feet long enough to call out themself.

"Hey! Can we get any help? We've fallen!" Chara doubted anyone down here would help them, but it was worth a shot...

A realization came upon them, why were the monsters forced underground, anyways? We're they scary? We're they big and mean? Chara didn't know. Maybe Frisk knows, they read those history books, like a million times, didn't they?

"..Frisk? Why were the monsters trapped down here, anyways?" Chara voice began to crack in fear.

"...I think... It was because... Everyone was scared of them for... A reason I can't exactly remember..." Frisk took a while to respond, but while they were thinking, twigs snapped in the distance. The two could hear light steps on the grass and fallen leaves.

"...Hello? Was someone calling for help?" A childish voice asked.

"Hey! That was us!" Frisk replied as a small monster walked into the clearing.

He was, very obviously, not human. He had fluffy white fur and long ears. No doubt, he was one of the monsters from the stories.

"Oh, oh golly." He muttered. "You two must have fallen from the Surface, didn't you?"

"Yes, we did..." Frisk nodded. "I think... my friend might have hurt themself. Um, like really bad..."

"Here," The monster helped them both walk steadier than they had been. "My mom knows healing magic, lets go."

"What was your names, again?

" My name is Frisk, this is Chara."

"Those are nice names. M y n a m e i s ..."

((Chapter ; End ))

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