They Don't Know

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Sharing this moment with Chris made me so happy. It felt like old times, where I was smiling and laughing.

"What time is it?" Chris asked

"It's 2:40."

"Cool if I crash?"

"Do you really need to ask that?" I asked signalling him to come towards me. I kissed him and then things got carried away from there.


I honestly did not know what I was doing but me and Chris weren't having sex, we were making love for what seemed like forever. His big bright brown eyes staring straight at me. I felt like he could see right through me. Whatever was going on I was enjoying it.

"I love you Lex." I heard Chris mumble


"I said I love you."

"Leave her then."

"I can't."

"You love me, but won't leave me?"

"It's not that easy."

"What's not easy Chris? Leaving your pregnant baby momma or being with some ho?"

"Leaving my pregnant baby momma."

"So you're leaving me? I don't even know why I set myself up for this. I knew that shit you was talking the other day was all bullshit."

"She's pregnant Lex." He sighed rubbing his head. I almost choked after he said that.

"You got that bitch pregnant and then you come fuck me?" I stood up

"Calm down." He said

"I hate you.!!" I yelled slapping him

"You the one that left." He shouted pinning me against the wall

"You're the one that cheated.!!

"I made a mistake." He said calmly

"Ahhh.!!" I grabbed my stomach

"Lex.!! You okay?"

Everything went black........ I heard nothing and saw nothing.



"Ayyee.!! I need a doctor now.!!" I shouted

"What happened?" Asked the doctor

"I don't know. She just held her stomach and blacked out."

"This woman is going into labor.!!"

"Sir. Sir.!! You can't go back there." A nurse pulled me

I sat down and called Keith, but he ain't answer. I know Mike ain't gonna answer, so I called Dion, even though he out of state, that nigga always down for a roadtrip.

"Hello?" He answered half sleep

"Yo D. Wake up nigga."

"It's 3:30 in the morning." He said

There was ruffling in the background and then I heard Keaira.

"Who is the bitch you on the phone with?"

"It's Chris, chill out."

"Why he calling so late?"

"Lex, having the baby, now." I said

"Key, get some clothes on."


"Lex having the baby." Dion said, "Yo Chris we'll be there as fast as we can."

"Aight." I hung up

My phone started ringing and I already knew who it was.

"Chris, where the hell are you?"

"Don't trip."

"What you mean "Don't trip"? You made me walk home, while I am pregnant with your child." Vanessa said

"You and I both know you ain't walk home. So quit fronting like you did. I'll be home when I get there." I said hanging up

Now I gotta deal with her bullshit. I hope Lex is okay, I ain't mean for this shit to pop off. About 30 minutes later, the nurse came and got me.

"Sir, you can come and see Alexis and the baby now."

I get to see my baby girl and check on Lex :)



"He say where he was?" Asked Lucky

"No, but the way he was sounding he'll be out all night."

"What you need to talk to me about?"

"I'm pregnant."

"By who? Chris?"

"No, by you."

"Does he know?"

"He knows I'm pregnant."

"He thinks it's his?"

"Yeah but he's dumb to think so."

"Why is that?"

"All the times we did it, he wrapped it up."

"That's a dumb nigga. Let him think that's his baby."


"Cause I ain't taking care of it."

"This is your seed."

"But I ain't bout to fuck up what I got at home over this. He thinks it's his, let him then." He walked out the house closing the door


My internets been acting up on my phone, that's the reason for the slow update, but I shouldn't have any interruptions now. Chris sure knows how to pick girls though.

She Ain't You (Up 2 You Sequel)Where stories live. Discover now