Life Protection

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I dropped Ci Ci off at my mom's and drove off to the hospital. When I got there Keith was in the waiting room with his head in his hands.

"Keith?" Mike called

"Bout time ya'll got here." He stood up

"What happened?" I asked

"Lex and Sylvester were at the house when me and Kenya left, but when we came back. Lex was on the floor unconsious and Sylvester and some guy was there. I grabbed my gun and them niggas ran off."

"What this other nigga look like?"

"He was short as hell." Keith said

"Family of Alexis Williams?" A lady called

"I told you I could handle this." A male hissed at her, "Hi, I'm Dr. Nate. We've ran some tests on Alexis and she is okay. No brain damage or anything in that nature, but from the looks of things, she could have been raped."

"Raped?" Me and Keith asked in unison

An announcemt was made on the intercom.

"I have to go, if you need anything ask the nurse about it." He said before walking off

Without even thinking I turned and punched the wall. Mike and Keith grabbed me and held me back from doing something dumb.

"Man, let me go." I walked off. I needed sometime to myself. I'm gonna get that nigga and I know the exact way to get him.

"Yo?" King answered

"Ayyee, King. It's me Chris, I need a favor."

"What type of favor?"

"I need you to find this nigga name Sylvester."

"Aight. Give me a minute and I'll see what I can dig up."

This nigga dead.



After what we did to Lex, she should know not to fuck me over. These last few days, she ain't done nothing but apologize and I hate sorry muthafuckas. I had to let her know what this was coming down to.

"Nigga, take off that dumb ass hat." Damon said to me

"Why you tripping?"

"Cause we got caught. We were suppose to take her out but we didn't. Why you ain't tell me she ain't lived alone? Don't you think that's some type of info?"

"That nigga barely there anyway. Might as well say she live alone."

"Wrong.!! Nigga we just got caught. Now we gotta lay low until this shit cool off. Now tell me about this nigga who fucked yo punk ass up."

"His name is Chris and he ain't fuck me up, that nigga got lucky." I said

"Well he one lucky muthafucka to dislocate your jaw, fracture not only ya arm but your skull, and that nigga broke 3 ribs. Sounds like you got yo ass whooped." Damon laughed, "Just like that nigga Dwayne."

"Fuck it. Whatever. What the fuck we gon do about this nigga?"

"We? He'll fuck yo ass up again. Me? I'm gonna let that nigga know what he got himself into."



I just up out my sleep by the sound of my phone ringing. I checked and seen Chris calling me.

"Hello?" I answered

"Nigga, I need you to get your ass up."

"What the fuck man? It's like 1 in the morning."

"You use to this shit nigga. Get ghe fuck up. We gotta handle business."

"What's so important that you need me? Call Mike ass." I said closing my eyes

"Nigga, Mike already here. Lex got beat up and raped by some niggas." When I heard that my eyes shot opened.

"Word? How is she? Ya'll catch them niggas?"

"She fine they running tests but I need you to get down here so we can get this niggas when King finds them."

"Aight. Me and Key on our way."

"She better not cause problems."

"I got her bruh. Don't worry about it." I said before hanging up. "Key, wake up."


"We gotta go."

"We gotta go? Where?"

"Cali. Lex got beat up by some niggas and is in the hospital."

"What?" She jumped up

"Calm down bae. She aight. Don't get too emotional you know how you are since you pregnant."

"Shut up and help me put my socks on." She said


Everybody bout to roll on these niggas. Sylvester and Damon better watch out. Poor Lex, hopefully everything is okay. Chris gonna get them niggas for you guhh. Let's see where this goes ya'll.

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