Control Yourself

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I was out shopping at the mall looking for some things for Ci Ci, she was babbling on in baby talk like she normally does.

"Your daughter cute." I heard a male voice say

"Thanks." I said looking up

"You're welcome. I see where she gets her looks from." He flashed a smile

"Thank you." I smiled

"I'm Anthony but I go by Tony." He said

"Alexis." I said

"Well, Alexis how about I take you out for dinner one night?" He asked as my phone started to ring

"Excuse me." I said before answering my phone

"Lex, it's me Keith. We got a problem."

"What's wrong?"

"It's Chris. He in the hospital."

"Hospital? When did he get released?"

"Today, but get down here now." He said before hanging up

"Come on Ci Ci. Your Daddy's in trouble." I said pushing her stroller

"What about dinner?" Tony asked


Once I got Ci Ci strapped in and her stroller in the trunk, I was gone. There's always a reason for us to go to the hospital. Once I got there, I just grabbed Ci Ci and went inside to find Dion and Mike looking distraught.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"He passed out, but we don't know why."

"Passed out?"

"Family of Christopher Brown?"

We all stood up.

"Christopher is fine, but he won't be if his stress level is high. The reasons for his black outs are from high level of anger and like I said before stress."

"How bad is it?" Dion asked

"Well, we can't tell, but with the results we should know, but this has been going on for quite a while."

"How long?" Keith asked

"About 2-3 months, but he's fine. If anybody would like to see him, follow me, but one at a time."

"Lex, you go." Keith said, "You are his baby momma."

"Watch Ci Ci for me." I said handing him the car seat

When I walked in, he was sleeping peacefully. It was silent, only thing you heard was the machine that showed that his heart was beating okay.

"Stress? What have you been stressing about?" I asked lowly while caressing his face and grabbing his hand, "Things are gonna change now." I said more to myself



I hear her, but it feels more like a dream.

"Things are gonna change now." She said lowly. I woke up and saw her in the flesh in front of me

"How are feeling?" She asked

"Horrible. Why am I here?"

"You blacked out."

"Blacked out? From what?" I asked with a confused look on my face

"Stress." She said as she rubbed my hand, "What's been on your mind?" She asked making eye contact

"A lot." I said looking away from her


"It should be obvious. I mean, do you not notice it?"

"Chris, you shouldn't be stressing about me? We're not together." I looked at the wall. When she said that, it felt like a heavy weight was placed on my chest

"I care about you." I mumbled

"What?" She asked

"I care about you. I just can't seem to figure out why. You're in my mind non stop. The way you smell, walk, talk. It's something that I can't forget. Call me crazy but atleast it's about you. I need you, without you there is nothing about me." I looked at her

"Okay, we can try and work this out, but one step at a time. Starting out just as friends and I mean it Christopher." She said

"First name basis now Alexis?"

"Shut up and accept the fact I'm giving you a 3rd chance." She smiled

"Mouth closed." I smiled at her

"I'ma go get the others." She said walking away

"Lex?" She turned and faced me, "Thank you." She smiled and walked out.

I'm getting my girl back and we gonna be a family now. I'm not fucking up anymore. I put that on everything, I'm gonna make this right.


A little boring but I had to make the ending happy for ya'll. They finally gonna get back together, but not official. They gotta rekindle their relationship now. Baby steps ya'll. Baby steps.





Don't forget to VOTE.!!!!!


Also check out my book 'Delusional Love' you guys. Please and Thank You.

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