Chapter Six

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Fuel= ZERO.

Absolute zero. And there was nothing he could do. The fuel warning alarm sounded. It beeped across the cockpit, and he prayed for an instant. The airplane, what a big structure it was, turned it tip towards the open ocean, and started to descend. 

       That was when his senses sharpened, just like they had done when the bullet was about to hit him. His body started growing extremely hot, and he had lost the control over his corpse. It seemed as if he was being controlled by somebody. He stood up. Or better- his body did. 

     It felt so awkward and weird that he couldn't reign over his own body. It stood up, and ran out of the cockpit. Max's body went over to the gate, and opened it. The air resistance should have killed him. But to his shock, it didn't.

      He climbed up the top of the flying-now-falling structure, and flew with supersonic speed up to the fuel chamber. The airplane was now about to hit the vast ocean.

 Then his body did something totally unexpected.

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