BSM- Over protectiveness (GEO & MARIO)

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You look through the windows of the arena where your brother was having his meet and greet. There were way too many fans and paparazzi down there, it caused absolute mayhem. "Um- yeah, she's going to be there too, obviously," you scoff. "No, she's not." "Mario !" you started to get really annoyed. "What's going on you two?" Your mom walks down the stairs, sighing. "Mario won't let me go! Jack is waiting for me outside, mom!" you accidentally spill out. "Who's Jack?" Mario questions you. "Mario , I get that you haven't seen your sister in a while but let her go alright? It's just this boy she's been dating for awhile. He's a very nice guy," you mom tells Mario. "Fine, but if we end up with grandchildren, mom, and I become an uncle, it's not gonna be my faul-" "MARIO!""


You were on a date with your boyfriend, Dylan, at your house and sadly, you had your older brother, Julian watching over you. "Your brother kinda scares me, (Y/N)," Dylan tells you truthfully. "I'm really sorry, let me go talk to him," you excuse yourself and walked towards Julian. "Julian, pleaaase, I know you're just being protective and all but you've gone waay overboard!" you whisper/yell at him. He looks at you as if you were some type of alien and simply says, "No. I need to stay here." "But why?" "Because I have to make sure he's not a muderer." "Julian that's bullshi-" "Language (Y/N)!" "Right, sorry..." You stood there and thought of a way to shoo Julian away so you decided to call Mario. "Mario, do you mind taking Calum over to your house for awhile?" you ask Mario through the phone. "I would love to (Y/N) but I'm out with Geo at the moment. Is he being all protective over you? I heard Dylan's over at yours for a date, eh?" "Yeah and Julian's being an absolute-" "Dick?" "Basically, yeah. But whatever, I'll talk to him. Thanks Mario!" And with that, you press the button. "Julian, I love you, I really do but... I can't have you watching over me for my whole entire life. I can be independent and I do not need your help," you explained. "Alright, fine. I'll go but please don't do anything stupid and your curfew's at 10," he reminds you. "Thank you Julian, really."


"The boys are coming over tonight, (Y/N)... Might wanna clean up a little," your brother, Geo, informs you. "Why me? You're the one that has all your video games scattered all over the living room table," you point out. "Well we're gonna need that there so I'm gonna leave it there... I just need you to take all these books upstairs before they come, please (Y/N)." "Fine." As you collect all your study books, the doorbell rings and Geo runs towards the door, bumping into you. "JUWANYYYY!" you complain, "you knocked off all my books!" "I'm sorry, (Y/N)." You just roll your eyes and start picking up the books you dropped because of Geo. "Hey (Y/N), you need help?" you suddenly hear a familiar voice ask you- Hunter . "Hey Hunter, and nah, it's alright... It was Geo's fault anyway so don't bother," you smile at him and continue piling your books in your hand. "Nope, I'm helping you," Hunter crouches down next to you and he picks up your Chem, Bio and Spanish textbooks. "Gracias, mi amigo." "De nada," he winks at you and you start to blush. "HUNTER ROWLAND, NO WINKING AT MY SISTER OKAY? JUST KEEP YOUR EYES OPEN, NO WINKING. NO BLINKING. JUST GET OVER HERE" You suddenly hear Geo rage from the stairs heading into his room.

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