Geo Imagine

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"Juwany!!! Can you please do me the biggest favor ever?!?!" I pleaded to my brothers best friend while we were left alone by my brother in the living room since he had to pee. You see I just needed Geo to do me a favor and pretend to be my date to the school dance. And by brothers best friend I mean thee famous Mario Selman best friend. I'm y/n. Y/n Selman. The middle child between Mario and Cat. And well Mario was in between me and Nacha so he felt the pain of being the middle child. That's probably why we got along so well. Anyways back to the point I need Geo to pretend to be my date to get back at my ex boyfriend and well cat's ex boyfriend. Yup he cheated on me with her. Without both of us knowing but he said he made up his mind wanted me. I said no. Went back to her she said no. Now he's with the schools slut Alison. You get the point. Alison now hates me for hurting her new precious boyfriends Derek's heart. Me and Cat both wanna get revenge. And Julian and Cat are going to the dance together but the thing is they both actually like each other. Me and Cat have a plan. But in order for it to work I need a date. And Jovani wasn't necessarily available now that he got a girlfriend. And Mario well ya know. So now was my time to ask Geo. Geo:"What's up y/n" Y/n:"Will you please me my date to my school dance" He instantly looked at me shocked. Mario:"She finally popped the big question" Mario said walking back in" Geo:"What. Your allowing this I though you'd be mad. Especially if I said yes" Mario being the supportive brother he is. Was allowing me and cat to go along with this plan. Mario:"Nope y/n Tell him the plan" I quickly explained to Geo what was going on. Geo:"So you let Cat go with Julian" Mario:"Well yeah they're just friends." Y/n:"That's what he thinks" I whispered to Geo. Who just chuckled. Geo:"Well then if this plan is gonna work might as well do it right." He stood up walked into our kitchen and came back out and stood in front of me. He got down on one knee and said "Y/n:"Will you got to your school dance with me" He opened his hand and held out a Marshmallow?. Y/n:"A Marshmallow Juwany really?" Geo:"It was either this or some left over onion bits I wouldn't wanna make you cry" Y/n:"Haha very funny" Geo:"So will you?" Y/n:"Of course" I said stuffing the marshmallow in my mouth. Mario:"Its official" He said hugging me tightly. Cat:"Did you ask him yet?" Cat said walking in. Julian and Jovani right behind her. Y/n:"Somewhat" I said hugging Mario back earning a  confused look from Cat and the twins.
-----Night of the Dance-----
Tonight was the big night. Me and cat were getting ready in our shared bedroom. Cat:"You ready for tonight?" Y/n:"Yup" I said getting exited.
Geo's POV
I was on my way to Mario's hours. Y/n was my date tonight and I plan to make it a special night for her. Even if I'm just a part of her plan. I just hope if it goes as I plan Mario doesn't hate me forever. We finally arrived. I said goodbye to my mom. I walked up to the house not before hearing my mom yell. "Toma muchas fotos!!!" (Take alot of pictures!!!)
I knocked on the door and Mario answered it. Mario:"Hey dude" Geo:"What's up" Mario:"The girls are just getting ready." he said letting me in Julian was already there. Julian:"Hey Geo" Geo:"Hey"
Its been a good 20 minutes when I heard that beautiful voice I fell in love with 2 years ago when I met her. "WERE READY!!!!" Seconds later Cat came downstairs in a white dress. She looked nice. And right behind her came y/n in blood red dress. She looked beautiful.
Y/n's POV
Y/n:"Hey Juwany" I said walking downstairs behind Cat. I must say we looked beautiful and our dates didn't look that bad either. Geo looked sexy as always. I'll never be able to tell him tho not with him and Mario being friends. We quickly took pictures for mom and dad since they were both on business trips. My older sister Nacha came out of her room and got the good angles. My big brother Marihoe went over the "ground rules" and we were off. The four of us left with Nacha who was driving us. We got to the front entrance of the gym where the dance was being held. Cat entered with her date and Me with Geo. Heads turned. And so did the assholes head. He was dancing with Alison who was in a short. Short. Short black right dress. Your classic slut package with the highest heels. We all walked in mine and Cats head held high. Considering everyone found out about the incident it we were called sluts and hoe's for a couple days. Not after tonight. We all sat down at a table and put our plan in action. Cat got up and walked over to the snack table and grabbed herself a drink. She stood there and me, geo, and Julian watched as Derek walked up to her leaving Alison at a table where she was talking to her friend looking bitchy as always. He obviously not knowing what was coming his way. She came and sat back down. Cat:"In front of Mr. Collins classroom 8:45pm" She said. I nodded knowing what she meant. The night went as planned me and Geo got up and danced to life of the party that started playing. His arms around my waist. We swayed along to the music calmly. My arms around his neck. Our faces inches apart.
Geo's POV
Now was my chance. Kiss her idiot. I slowly started to lean in when she looked behind her. I looked behind her it was cat. It was her cue.
Y/n's POV
I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Cat that was my cue. I looked at the clock 8:40pm. Y/n:"I gotta go Geo its time" I said. I looked at the exit Cat barely exiting. I let go of Geo leaving him alone on the dance floor. I looked around for Derek. He was with Alison sitting at a table. He was clearly trying to make up an excuse to leave. I made eye contact with him for a split second. I smirked at him before quickly turning on my heels walking to the exit. He finally found an excuse because he walked out moments later. I was waiting for him in the empty hallway. Y/n:"Hey there Derek" Derek:"Y/n:"y/n what are you doing here" Y/n:"Well this is the school dance but I'm actually here for a different reason" I said walking closer to him. Derek:"Um I uh I gotta go" Y/n:"Why are you leaving me so soon. I've missed you" I said seductively grabbing his tie. Derek:"Well I suppose I could stay for a while longer. He said grabbing a hold of my waist. Y/n:"I've got a better idea. I heard Mr. Collins room is unlocked at this hour. Why don't we go there. Make it more special" Derek:"Anything you want beautiful" He said pulling me towards the room his hand roaming my body. I felt so dirty I just wanted to be in Geo's ams again. We reached the classroom. No Cat but an unlocked door. I'm glad Nacha taught both of us how to pick a lock with a bobby pin. We walked in the classroom. Light off the whole time. He quickly pinned me up against the wall. I was so disgusted. Y/n:"Wait Derek I've got a surprise for you." I said pushing him away. Derek:"Oh really" Y/n:"Of course but you gotta get naked first well at least until ur in your boxers. Can you do that sexy" I said seductively Derek:"Anything for you babe" Him even calling me that sent shivers down my spine. He quickly got undress to his boxers. I turned on the light Cat coming out from the corner of the room. Cat:"Hello Derek" Derek:"What's going on" Y/n:"This is your surprise silly" I said putting my arm around Cat. Derek:"Two girls in one night" Y/n:"Yup." Cat:"But were gonna need you to obey everything we ask of you tonight" Derek:"Deal" Cat:"Go stand in the corner" He did as he was told. I quickly grabbed a blindfold cat brought with her and put it around Derek's head. Y/n:"Now you wait here while me and Cat discuss how were gonna treat our client tonight." I whispered in his ear. I tiptoed back to Cat who had all Derek's cloths in her hands already we quietly opened the door and snuck out. We ran back to the gym laughing our asses off. We walked in and saw Julian and Geo at the table we were at on their phones. I looked around and spotted Alison grinding on some random guy. Me and Cat walked up to her. Making her stop immediately and give us the bitch face we all know and hate. Cat handed her Derek's cloths. "Mr Collins room." We said in sync trying not to laugh. Seconds later someone yelled. I looked at the doors to see Derek standing there. Derek:"You two!!!" He yelled at me and Cat. Derek:"You made me think you wanted to have sex with me and left me stranded" he put his hand in the air I pushed Cat out of the way preparing for pain. But I never felt it I opened my eyes to see Derek getting beaten by geo. Geo:"DON'T YOU EVER TRY TO TOUCH HER AGAIN YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!" He was quickly pried off Derek by some security guard that worked at the school. I looked for Cat only to find her hugging Julian for dear life. I walked over to them preparing to wait till they let me see Geo.
-----20 minutes later-----
Me and Julian and Cat were waiting outside the attendance office on a bench when a security guard walked out with Geo. Security:"Miss does he belong to you" He said rudely. Y/n:"Uh yeah he's my um boyfriend" Security:"Well since it is a school dance. We did not call his or your parents and he is not aloud onto this campus for a month and if anything like this ever happens again we will call the police overall the only reason we did call anyone big was because he was trying to protect you so I hope you have a good night. With a boyfriend like this I'm sure you'll get home safe." He said letting Geo go and walking back into the office. I quickly ran into his arms. Y/n:"I'm so glad your okay Juwany" He hugged me back tightly" Geo:"I'm glad your okay" We hugged for a couple minutes not wanting the moment to end. Until he broke the silence. Geo:"So boyfriend?" Y/n:"Shut up" Geo:"No I like it. I could get use to it. Y/n Selman's boyfriend." Y/n:"Or y/n Roman." Geo:"I like that better" Julian:"Just kiss already!!" He yelled from the bench. We both leaned in our lips moving in perfect sync. Cat:"Mario's gonna kill you" I pulled away looking at her remembering my idiot of a brother. Julian:"Babe don't kill their moment" Y/n:"Too late" I said reattaching my lips with Geo's.
Hey guys I hoped you liked it made it extra long 2026 words. In honor of my baby's birthday. Happy birthday Juwany. I love him so much you don't even know anyways gn. I might update tomorrow well technically today since  its 3:00 maybe a Mario or Jovani Imagine tryna decide so please comment!!Btw I showed my mom this picture of Geo yesterday and she said he was cute asked what was wrong with his eyebrows why were they so perfect and would approve of us dating and yeah. Gn!   ~Karla

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