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Just like every girl, I always dream of getting married with the love of my life and fortunately it was a dream that came true.

Julian and I met when we both were 16 and now we are 20. I was still with my previous boyfriend, but he cheated on me and I left him immediately. Julian was the one who was always with me from that moment. We became super close and a few months later we became a couple. Everything was perfect, but I was afraid that he would breakup with me if he hears why exactly my previous boyfriend cheated on me. I once made a promise that I would lose my virginity with my husband, and he couldn't accept it, he always told me how he had needs and he ended up sleeping with another girl. I thought Julian would get frustrated so I made it clear at the beginning of our relationship. But instead of getting mad or saying that I'm crazy he accepted it and respected me for this. It was such a relief and I trusted him 100% that he would never cheat on me because of this. Surely, we didn't just kiss for the following years, we did several things, but sex was off limits, and he understood it. I wouldn't say that it was easy, but we managed to make it work. It helped a lot that we were madly in love and couldn't imagine life without the other.

The years went by, and not long after my 22nd birthday he proposed to me. It was like I was in a romantic movie, he did everything right. We were on a holiday and he asked me to marry him on the beach while the Sun was going down. I didn't have to think twice before saying yes. And in exactly five months we said "I do" and became husband and wife.

We didn't have a huge wedding, just the family and close friends. Of course all the boys came and they made sure that everything was perfect. Julian was the first one from them to get married.

I had my dream dress and it was just the best day of my life.

"Are you tired?" he asked kissing my forehead as we were on our way to our hotel where we were spending the night before going on our honeymoon.

I looked up at him smiling and shook my head.

"I have never been more awake." His smiled grew wide and gently kissed me. I was so excited that it was our first night as a married couple and both of us knew what it meant. I had been preparing for this night for a while. I made sure that it would be perfect.

We got out of the car, checked in and made our way up to our room. The hotel looked like it cost a lot of money, but Julian insisted on staying there. When we got to the room he opened the door and then lifted me up bridal style.

"This is not even our house," I laughed.

"Who cares? I want to carry my wife," he stated and walked into the room. Then he put me down, closed the door and we stared at each other for a long moment. "I can't believe you really are my wife now," he whispered hugging me and kissing my cheek.

"You have the rest of your life to get used to it," I smiled at him sheepishly. "I have to change from this dress, give me a second, okay?" He nodded and grabbing one of my bag I went to the bathroom. I carefully took the dress off and then searched for the lingerie I bought for this occasion. Then I put on the robe the hotel gave us and walked out. Only the little lamp on the nightstand was on, and Julian was out on the balcony. He took his jacket down and leaning onto the railing he was looking down to the city. I stepped out and put my hands to his back kissing his shoulder.

"What are you thinking of?" I asked as he pulled me into his arms and we were admiring the beautiful lights from up there. "Always you," he whispered. I turned around in his arms and examined his face. He looked just like yesterday, when he was only my fiancé. Now we were married and belonged together officially.

He had his first few buttons loose on his shirt and the even took off his bowtie. He looked incredibly hot like that and all I could think if was getting those clothes off him. Like he was reading my mind, he said, "We don't have to do this tonight, do you know that?"

He had this crazy thought that I was afraid of sleeping with him, but in reality, I couldn't wait to share this experience with him. But it surely was sweet of him to say that.

"I know, but I really want to," I whispered smiling at him. He leaned closer and kissed me.

"Let's go in, you are going to catch a cold in that damn robe," he chuckled and we walked inside. Closing the door we stared to each other for a short moment, and then we stepped closer at the same time connecting our lips immediately. His hands slipped down to my thighs and he picked me up carrying me to the king-sized bed. I was carefully put down before he got on top of me. I eagerly started to unbutton his shirt and we quickly got rid of it. He uncoupled my robe and seeing my lingerie his eyes travelled down to my body hungrily.

"You are so unbelievably beautiful," he murmured kissing all the way down to my hipbones. I took off the robe completely and pulled him up to me so I could take his pants down.

Julian's hands were all over me and he knew so well what he had to do to make me feel incredible. But I also took my part of the game making sure he enjoyed it just as much as me.

It didn't happen immediately, he made sure that I was taken care of and it just made it even better."Tell me if something is wrong, okay?" he said looking into my eyes. I nodded and kissed him one more time before he slipped into me.

I won't lie, it did hurt at first, and I told Julian, but I didn't want him to stop. We tried it at first in a very slow motion so I could get used to the feeling. After a little while the pain was gone and I could finally enjoy this amazing moment.

"I love you," he whispered into my ears. I held onto his back and hugged his waist with my legs.

"I love you too," I moaned as I was getting closer.

It was the most amazing thing that I ever felt, when we both reached our highs. I felt like that nothing could get between us and we were forever.

As the night grew older we made love over and over again, because we couldn't get enough of each other.

All these waiting was worth at the end, because it was perfect and I was glad that I had Julian in my life. He was my other half, my soulmate, my husband for a life.


Sorry, I've haven't updated in awhile I'm back now! Hope you guys this one!

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