Imagine (Julian)

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"Thank you all for coming out! Have a good night!" I hear from the stage. It's their last show on their tour before they head back to Florida. But I wanted to see Julian before he came home.

"Good meet & Greet guys." Mario voice echoes off the walls. I smile to myself, knowing that in a few seconds I'll see Julian.

"I'm up for some foooddd ." Julian says walking into the room. His eyes meet mine and a smile spreads across his face. 

"Y/N you're here!" Julian exclaims. I giggle and jump into Julians waiting arms. 

"I can't believe you showed up! What are you doing here? I thought you had to school all week?" Julian asks.

"I asked my mom if I could she said of course cause I do okay in school and then I hopped on the next plane to Arizona ." I tell him. Julian shakes his head and finally places his lips on mine.

"I've been waiting for you to do that." I reply. 

"Don't worry I'll do it again." Julian kisses me again, and I could feel the longing. I wrap my arms around Julian and he wraps his around me and places them on my bum.

"Alright that's enough. I don't need you guys to have sex in the middle of the room. Especially because I just ordered pizza and I don't need you guys ruining my appetite." Geo shouts as he enters the room. 

"Fine we'll just do it later." Julian replies. "Better gets some headphones Geo." 

"JULIAN" I exclaim, smacking him the in the shoulder. 

"I'm just kidding." Julian states, laughing. But then he winks at me which makes me smack him again.

"Did I hear pizza?" Jovani says, coming into the room and is followed by Mario.

"Y/N! It's great to see you! Julian's been so annoying since we last saw you!" Jovani exclaims, wrapping me up in a hug.

"Well you just missed them about to have sex so." Geo butts it.

"We were not!" I yell in frustration but then a smile crawl on my face. 

"Look at that face! They so were!" Mario screams. 

"Ugh shut up!" I say, pushing him playfully.

"It's good to see ya Mario." I tell him and hug him as well.

"So how's Florida been since we've been gone?" Jovani asks, sitting down on the couch.

"Lonely I guess. Brenda and I hung out most of the time, but it was quiet without you guys." I say to him honestly.

"Aw Y/N. Come here!" Julian says, walking up to me and awkwardly putting his arms around me. He kisses me on the cheek, making me squirm. 

"Wait is Brenda still single?" Geo asks, suddenly interested in the conversation. 

"Yeah." I reply. Geo smiles to himself making us all laugh. 

"I'll just call her right now." I say, pulling out my phone and going to call Megan.

"Don't you even dare!" Geo exclaims lunging himself at me and grabbing my phone.

"Get off my girlfriend!" Julian screams, shoving Geo off me.

"You guys are all dorks." I reply laughing. 

"And you're not?" Julian asks, taking my hand in his.

"Good point." I respond. Julian leans in and kisses me again. 

"NO SEX!" Geo screams, attempting to break our kiss. But Julian just flips him off with one hand and holds onto my face with the other.

 "I'm blind!" Jovani comments.

"There are children here!" Mario exclaims, covering Jovani's eyes. 

"Man I love you guys." I tell the boys when we break the kiss. 

"But you love me more right?" Julian asks, smiling sheepishly. 

"Yes." I reply, smiling.

"Hey!" The 3 boys shout at the same time.

Part Of My Story ImaginesTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon