Fallen Buttercups

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I'm not sure how I'm back here again...how could I let it happen it's so...repetitive. I'm sick of always coming back, what do I even do now. I tried everything, well except...no. I won't stoop that low, I couldn't they are all so nice to me why would I want to hurt them. They did so much to protect me in the end and their smiles are so kind, they worked to hard. I won't betray them like that. How could I. I wouldn't ever want to..but...everything is so bland, just the same lines each time. It's become so predictable. Is there really nothing to do but this... I hear the darkness calling faintly...prying at my conscience. But I'm stronger than that..at least that's what I thought. I was wrong after everything.

   Well I could tell the whole story but let's be honest here...nobody came here for that...they want to hear about my so called "love story" with him...right? Well that's why I wrote this I guess...yes...it is.. So shall we continue? Oh hush..you don't need to answer if you didn't want to continue you would've already stopped reading by now. So let's begin!

   I awoke back at the start the same buttercups falling around me..the first time I was so lost and confused, but now I'm just so tired of it all. I've seen it every reset...maybe...I'm pissed off...maybe...maybe. Same stupid flower "howdy!" Same stupid voice...I hate him so much. "I'm flowey the flower!" Jeez....what a little fool...he only managed to barely fool me the first time, plus he knows about each reset so why play dumb? To be honest..I sound like "him" right now, usually I'm nicer but this time I don't know I am..that's beside the point I keep getting distracted...maybe by him heh..haha. He does make...for a great distraction....oh yes....very...great. Well...I'm sure by just the title alone you know what I'm talking about. I'll just get to my point I keep stalling like this and everybody will lose interest.

   The darkness trying to speak wasn't me...that's something I was sure of. It was a low voice..male perhaps. He spoke so softly almost like he was whispering in my ear I could feel his breath on my neck. Shivers being sent up my spine. This was new I thought I knew each and every reset, but this was something I hadn't had happen before. I turned around swiftly only to see nothing but the flowers and the small light shining from above. That light quickly faded away. I was kinda scared. I hadn't felt like this since the labs... Everything fell so silent. He spoke...

 "Looking for something? Maybe a friend? Maybe new hope?" 

I looked for him but nobody was there but me...not even flowey. Toriel wasn't here either. I wanted to speak but the lump in my throat made that near impossible all that came out was a small squeak. He just laughed, before I felt something take my hand.

 "Please don't run..not like you would have anyone to go to hahahaha..." 

I tried to pull my hands away but he was persistent. 

"Trying to leave so soon, look I won't hurt I just thought you looked rather...lonely...angry...bored? Am I right?"

 I gave a small nod, but then he didn't reply. I was in dark alone.

CharaxFrisk "brOKen"Where stories live. Discover now